All ends at point blank range

Feb 03, 2005 21:41

I played russian roulette with Shaun and Chris with with my Nerf 6-Shooter.

I've been doing a lot of projects lately. I made this photojournal about the subculture of old people, entitled "The Mythical Ways of the Old People." It explores both the culture of elderly, and some spiritual stuff I threw in just to spice it up.

Elections in Iraq took place on 1-31-05 i believe. Aside from the US handing out free food to people who voted, the local insurgency managed to kill 44 people total that day with mortar assaults, makeshift explosives, and using a kid with down-syndrome as a suicide bomber. Personally, I think the war is corrupt, but those insurgents who claim to be agents of allah are just damning themselves with such evil tactics. Perhaps I'll see them in hell someday.

FACT: More people have died over religion then any other reason in all of Earth's history.

COMMENTARY: Personally, I think religion is a waste of time. Call me a heathen, but that's what I believe in.

You Are a Retrospective Soul

The most misunderstood of all the soul signs.
Sometimes you even have difficulty seeing yourself as who you are.
You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.
You're best described as extremely idealistic, hardworking, and a survivor.

Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you easily.
But if you aren't careful, you'll ignore these moments and repeat past mistakes.
For you, it is difficult to seperate the past from the present.
You will suceed once you overcome the disappoinments in life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Traveler Soul and Prophet Soul

What Kind of Soul Are You?
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