#793: Told ya'll Ike hits hard.

Sep 12, 2008 19:10

Title's reference to SSBB aside, I really hope that everyone is staying safe during Ike's unwelcome stay in our city. We spent most of our day cleaning up around the house, getting all the loose stuff secured that we can, and taping the windows. I know it's not a huge step to keeping safe from broken glass, but we couldn't get the wood to board up windows on short notice.

I really think we'll make it through this okay, just remember 5 key things to remember:

1) In the good words of Douglas Adams: "Don't Panic!"
2) Do any showering and cleaning up before we lose power.
3) Keep a flashlight handy near where you are going to sleep and in the bathroom.
4) Make sure everything's charged that needs to be charged before we lose power (i.e. Cell Phones, DSes, PSPs, iPods, laptops, that nature).
5) If possible, to communicate, try to text message instead of calling (unless it's an emergency of course) so that the towers don't jam up like they did during Rita.

I'm probably going to get some last bits of gaming in before I take a nap. I'm not worried so much about me as I am about my parents, for they are still in Humble... right where Ike is going. Crap. I called them and they are prepared too, but I still can't help but worry. And I miss rannchan too... I hope she and her family will be alright since they are Southside.

So I'm signing off for now. I'll post more when I can, probably from my iPhone. Take care, guys & gals!
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