Oct 21, 2005 01:46
Well once again it happens I become the nice guy and drop everything (hanging out with amber and lisa) to go help a friend with her problem. Now dont get me wrong I am glade that people turn to me for help. Its just i dont want to sound like a ass or anything cause i do care about her but where does it get me? Also where does it get them for the most part they just make the same disitions if i am helping them out of a jam its like i never really transitioin to the friend or exboyfriend well not all the way atleast Like when Dannya called me cause she caught her bf cheating on her because the other girl came up to them and said something i have no idea what bullshit this slime ball said to her to get back with her but that day in the park it broke my heart to see her in that much pain yet she took him back and then he stoole her brand new truck and crashed it cause he had been drinking he went to jail for a dui her parents have kicked her out and yet she says he is still worth it i just dont get it you know he is a cheater and he didnt have the decency to atleast end it with one of them. Anyways back to the girl tonight and yea she is a ex. I seem to do that for just about anyone weather or not i think i should its just like get phone call or text from someone having a problem and im there trying to help. Not that i really had to do much for her just giver her a sholder to cry on witch sometimes is all anyone really needs. Its just where are the suposied best friends or friends i fall under the second but im also the ex boyfriend. I must say i keep strange relationships with my ex's there are only two i dont talk to wait make that 4 one doesnt count as because of us wanting to stop talking its cause she is no longer with us but so out of the people i have dated i dont talk to 3 of them because i dont want to. those 3 being Alicia Sara and Aubrey all for one reason or another. Doesnt matter how nice of a guy I am i still get the short end of the stick and only once was cause of age even though was dating them young other times i guess all i am good for is the close friend or brother type. So if thats what being a nice guy gets you why to i keep it up? I guess its cause its just safer for me then who knows. It would be nice if just once this nice guy didnt finish last.