Oct 03, 2005 10:39
1 Have you ever fallen off your bed? well does it count when some one tickles you off the bed (Jennifer)
2 Do you sleep on the floor? sometimes when i am really tired or just pass out just kidding
3 Have you ever gone camping? all the time i love to camp
4 Do you like to play hopscotch? ohhh i used to love to play that although i never new how
5 What do you do when it rains? sit on the front pourch and watch the lightening and the thunder
6 Are you on a computer, laptop, etc.? yes i don't know how else i would update my journal cause i sure as hell don't pay for this thing
7 Where are you now? in my house at my dorm room 326 kerr hall in my bed
8 How many surveys have you done today? one if you include this one
9 Whats the last movie you've seen? Mr. and Mrs. Smith me and Jennifers first date i think
10 Do you go to summer school? nope probably will this summer not sure if i want to yet
11 Do you go to camp? no damn it i would of liked to i am not that rich
12 Have you ever played rugby? yes and i got so many bruises
13 Have you ever played basketball when it was storming? ohhhh hell yes mud basketball fuck yeah
14 Are you a cheerleader? no way i don't belong in that crowd
15 What's your favorite college? OSU *as i do the hand motions* cowboys
16 What elementary school did you go to? Sts Peter and Paul
17 Middle School? Sts Peter and Paul
18 High School? Bishop Kelley(i am noticing a trend here talk about catholic school boy)
19 College? OSU cowboys
20 Out of all of them, which mascot was your favorite? I love OSU great fun but definately high school i miss you all
21 Do you wear spirit wear? no well if you count OSU stuff then yes
22 Do you sprint when you run? maybee
23 What are you listening to now? some one in my dorm is playing techno
24 What color is your cursor? blue
25 Have you ever been to a wedding? of course ahhhh fun times at philbrook
26 Have you ever worked at a job? yeah i was a wharehouse associate
27 How many times have you moved? 14 times
28 Do you take medicine? no actually
29 Where have you been out of your country? no where big plans for germany though
30 Whats the most exotic place you've been to? miami florida
31 Are your nails painted? opaque i think is what they call this fabulous color
32 Do you have makeup on? no i am a guy
33 Do you wear glasses? no i am able to see
34 Do you know anyone that is blind? nope i do not
35 Do you have friends that are conceited? of course
36 Have you ever planted a tree? i helped the ozone go me
37 What's your favorite color? blue
38 Do you think you are popular? define popularity
39 Do you text people? nope it got taken away from me
40 Do you have a cell phone? yes its a flip phone
41 Have you ever tried counting to a million? yes it takes forever
42 Do you read during the summer? yes but only select books
43 What is one thing that is turned on all the time? computer
44 Do you have asthma? *inhale slowly no exhale slowly*
45 Did you ever want braces? yes and i hated every second of it
46 Have you ever caught a firefly? yes and then i tied him to a bottle rocket and well lets say his last few minutes were explosive
47 Did you ever cut your own hair? no i never wanted to
48 Have you been to a palace? no pizza palace
49 Do you want to be a queen/king? no it wouldn't be any fun i want to be a pesent
50 What are you wearing? boxers and socks i am serious
51 Have you ever roasted marshmellows? of course
52 Have you made a snowman before? yes he was great he came to life and we named him bob
53 Is it snowing? i wish i love the snow
54 Do you have a secret handshake with someone? yes i have one right now with thad
55 Have you ever made paper? it would be kind of cool