Weekend Recs. This week: Old Guard, NCIS, SGA, H50 (art), X-Files (art)

Aug 29, 2021 15:45

Four recs this week -- because one is artwork, which totally deserves a rec, but my brain says it's not 'valid' because it can only be looked at, so it's a 'bonus' at the end.

Fandom: The Old Guard
Fanwork Links: Dispatches From the Data Stream
Creator Links:
Category: Gen
Rating: Gen
Length: 900 words

Summary: The news holovids have begun to claim that the tide of war has begun to turn. The reason why might be one of myth and legend.

Reccer's Notes: I'm a sucker for stories with hints of, "they'll keep going and their legacy will live on," from "Camelot" to this polished gem of a treasure. It sounds strange to be proud of fictional characters, but this story hits me right in the feels, just thinking of our team fighting the good fight for uncounted centuries, as and where they're needed.

Characters: Main OC, team in background
Pairings: N/A
Themes: Future Fic, Feels, Epistolary, POV Outsider,
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

Fandom: NCIS
Fanwork Links: I Smiled
Creator Links:
Category: Gen
Rating: Teen
Length: 21,700 words

Summary: My take on how Tony and Gibbs met for the first time. Written before "Baltimore" aired.

Reccer's Notes: Competent!Tony is great, especially when he'd determined to get justice for others and not afraid to stand up to Gibbs when necessary. I particularly like that we see Gibbs appreciating that in his usual understated way; very satisfactory all round.

Characters: Tony, Gibbs, Abby, Ducky
Pairings: None
Themes: Competency, Case Fic, Pre-Canon, Getting to Know Each Other
Warnings: Choose Not to Use (I don't remember anything)
Status: Complete

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Fanwork Links: The Price That Life Exacts
Creator Links:
Category: M/M
Rating: Mature
Length: 63,400 words

Summary: When John disappears without a trace during a routine mission, people in a beleaguered Atlantis eventually have to try to move on. Rodney never completely gives up hope of finding John, and though he soldiers on to help Atlantis, a year later he still lives every day with his grief.
        The story opens with a shocking discovery that may help Rodney come to terms with some truths about himself and his relationship with John, and will have consequences beyond what anyone might predict.

Reccer's Notes: This story is epic in every sense of the word -- beautiful and difficult and painful and beautiful again. John disappears, Atlantis struggles, they find a baby with John's DNA who only responds to Rodney, Rodney is a most reluctant surrogate father but adjusts, they find John but he's mostly broken and takes a long time to recover (mentally and psychically more than physically)... and through it all, Rodney has Teyla and Ronon and all of Atlantis and her people quietly supporting him and the baby and John. This is an incredible story, not to be missed. But keep tissues handy for some parts.

Characters: Everyone on Atlantis, + OCs
Pairings: John/Rodney
Themes: Not Really Character Death, Novel, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Kid Fic, Angst and Feels, Getting Back Together, Team as Family
Warnings: This fic contains intense scenes that may be disturbing to some readers. Detailed warnings in footer.
Status: Complete


Fandom: SGA and H50 and NCIS and X-Files (separate, not crossover)
Fanwork Links: American Romance Library
Creator Links:
Category: Gen
Rating: Gen
Length: 12 works, one picture per work

Summary: (None for series, separate for each work.) My summary -- Book covers and Harlequin-style blurbs of action/romance books that are not available at Amazon -- but should be.

Reccer's Notes: So - Much - FUN! The artwork is so realistic, and the blurbs make me laugh. These are such intriguing premises for fandom AU's; I'd read any of them in a heartbeat. And I love the little details of the 'authors' and 'publishers'.

Characters: John & Rodney, Steve & Danno, Tony & Gibbs, Fox & Mulder
Pairings: John/Rodney, Steve/Danno, Tony/Gibbs, Fox/Mulder
Themes: Art, Digital Art, Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: None
Status: Open series, but each 'story' is complete.

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recs, fandom, rec: ncis, rec: old guard, fanfic, rec: h50, rec: sga

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