My muse hijacked me again today; I produced a
floorplan for the 'Charlie Safehouse' in The Old Guard. When I posted it, I knew I had missed a couple of tags, so I clicked on one of my other art posts to make a note of them. (Guess I need to add 'Art' tags to my tag-list post from last week.)
ANYway, I went back, hit edit, added the tags, hit save. Then I noticed the stats at the top. It had only been up for 5 minutes, and I already had 1 kudos! But... according to the stats, I had 0 hits.
So... can a ghost leave kudos without opening the page? If so... why would they?
Curiouser and curiouser. I saved a screenshot, just because it's so funny. Then I refreshed the page; by now the system should have recognized the information, and it would show a hit for the kudos, right?
Nope. Now I have 3 kudos, from 0 hits.
Time needed to save a screenshot of that. Hit refresh again... 4 kudos, 0 hits!
Maybe it's not ghosts... Booker's their computer expert; maybe he's pulling my leg. Or maybe he and Nile (child of the internet age that she is) have joined up because they're bored, and thought they'd get a laugh out of it.
You know what? Their shenanigans have borne fruit; I'm grinning all over.
Refresh again. Okay, finally! Fourteen hits for the 4 kudos. That makes sense. Although I'm a little surprised that 14 people are interested in the floorplan of a couple scenes of the movie. Obviously, I'm not the only diehard fangirl cruising AO3.
Okay, I've spent enough time on this today. (Almost 8 hours, total.) I need to eat my evening apple.
See you on the flip side.
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