In your own space, create your own challenge. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so. I’ll take a pass on this one, too. I respond almost as poorly to ‘challenges’ as I do to
‘goals’, unless it’s something I’m already doing. (Writing, arting in Photoshop, playing a new song on the piano.) I think my mind connects an element of ‘potential to fail’ to the idea of ‘challenge’, so I just don’t. Technically, I’ve responded to a few in the past, but they were usually presented as something else (Secret Santa is ‘writing a gift’ in my mind, not a ‘challenge’) or so tiny that I could rise to it because it ‘didn’t matter’ if I did or not, like my
Sentinel Haiku. And since I have a mental resistance to challenges, I refuse to suggest any for other people, which would place the ‘burden’ on them. Nope; not gonna do it.
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