Day 2: Rec at least three fanworks that you didn’t create. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Seriously... there's no way I can keep it down to three. I can't even keep it down to three fandoms! I remember, back when I was about 1-1/2 to 2 years into Sentinel fandom, telling someone that I couldn't imagine reading in more than one fandom; how could there possibly be enough time? (falls on floor laughing uproariously at my earlier naïve self) The answer is, there isn't enough time -- I have enough saved fic to keep reading for probably 3-5 years, even if I never saved another story -- but how can I possibly say 'I'll pretend I don't know you and refuse to read" to this or that fandom? If I know the fandom at all (meaning: have seen one movie, or a couple of episodes, or read one book to give me a working knowledge), I'm ready to give a story a try if I know the author, or there's a rec from someone I know, or if the summary grabs me. I consistently read in three main fandoms (Sentinel, NCIS, SGA) and will read in two dozen or so more. (Yes, I counted.) That number increases if you count crossovers I read where I only know one fandom, but like the author well enough to jump in and give it a try. In that case, my method is to Google a synopsis of the cross-fandom, then pictures of the main characters, then treat the cross-fandom characters as basically OC's that I don't know. That can be dangerous, though... I now read in two more fandoms that started as crossed with one of my mains, have started watching the shows so I get a 'feel' for the characters and voices. I don't read a lot of the newbies, but the potential is there.
Anyway, I'm a voracious reader, but seldom make recs -- partly because I turn it into such a lengthy process (points above), and partly because I'm essentially shy, and I think nobody would really care. Also, there are so many good stories -- fandom in general seems to have a fair number of really good authors -- and I'm always afraid that the authors I don't name will feel slighted. But since it's been asked...
Before we start -- Most of these authors write in multiple fandoms; if you haven't yet 'met' them, it's well worth checking out their page (I've provided links) to see if they've written fandoms you might also like to read. Approximate word counts are provided in 'K' -- X thousand words.
You'll note that many most of these stories celebrate "the friendship" thing, and "slice-of-life" thing, even if there's some angst and/or slash. I frequently see the world through rose-colored glasses, and the stories that I tend to remember and reread have the characters interacting with good intentions. I will read -- and enjoy -- stories that may bash Character X in Y Fandom, save them and reread them, but the stories I return to when I need a pick-me-up are firmly in the "everybody gets along" category. You have been warned.
The Sentinel
Puppy Love Summary: Sandburg rescues a litter of newborn pups, and in doing so gives Ellison a piece of his childhood that the older man had never gotten to experience. 5K
Emerald at AO3 Emerald at FF.net Why I rec: Puppies! Blair -- and Jim -- and the whole of Major Crime falling under their spell. Very slice-of-life, with a bit of case thrown in.
Cave In Summary: On a school trip, Jim, Blair, and a bunch of children become trapped. 14.5K
D L Witherspoon at her site Why I rec: Jim & Blair & kids in a cave-in, but that's the least of it. Things get worse before they get better, but Blair and Jim have each other's backs. Warning: Suicidal ideation.
Bitterwood Creek (slash) Summary: An AU set in the Old West wherein Jim is a sheriff and Blair is the town doctor. 143.5K
Bitterwood Creek (gen) Summary: An AU set in the Old West wherein Jim is a sheriff and Blair is the town doctor. 132.6K
Arianna at AO3 Arianna at Starfox's Mansion (click on 'fanfic' in left menu)
Why I rec: Confession -- I was Arianna's beta for many years, so am a bit biased. That said, this is a long, complex story of deep friendship (either version), in a challenging setting. The OC's are well-rounded, and the people we know from the show are slotted into their new niches very realistically for the era.
To Make a House a Home Summary: This story was inspired by ... a gallant effort to save the tadpoles. 3.1K
Jess Riley at AO3 Jess at FF.net Jess at Wolfpup's Den Why I rec: Yep, I was Jess's beta, too. And she wrote this as a gift-fic to me, my first ever, whee! Regardless, it's a gentle slice-of-life, with Jim growing more tolerant of Blair's eccentricities, and Blair settling into his new home.
The Guide Summary: Blair helps Jim through a bad reaction. 13.4K
Jess Riley at AO3 Jess at FF.net Jess at Wolfpup's Den Why I rec: It's a very nice depiction of Jim's & Blair's interactions when they were still new to being sentinel and guide, and Jim needs Blair's help to survive. Bonus of Simon learning that Blair is more than he may appear.
Stargate Atlantis
ClearBlue Skies Summary: There might not be any marshmallows or drinks with umbrellas, but this was already turning out to be one of John's favorite vacations. 7.1K
Lamardeuse on AO3 Why I rec: While I was still waffling about whether or not I would be "into" SGA, I found Lamardeuse's site -- a huge variety of stories, with quite a few AU's, but John and Rodney always felt well-rounded and in character. This story has John and Rodney (temporarily) stranded on an idyllic island and their relationship moves forward a few steps.
Three Hundred & Sixty-Four Summary: This is not the solution that Ronon would have chosen for dealing with the IOA. 25.5K
Smiley at her own site Why I rec: I would never have thought of Rodney/Ronan, but this story is amazing. Rodney marries Ronan in name only to keep him on Atlantis. Because they're now sharing quarters, each learns more about the other, begin to appreciate each other's strengths and understand each other's weaknesses, and gradually develop a true relationship.
Running on Empty Summary: Sheppard and McKay are captured by Wraith, implanted with trackers and released to run and die. 90K
Sholio at her own site Sholio at FF.net Sholio at AO3 Why I rec: Sholio excels at "found family" (everybody in each other's corner) and ramping up the story tension until it snaps. John and Rodney are separated, neither knows what's going on or even who they are, but each works toward escape, each trying to use the lessons they've learned from the other, even though they barely remember who they're thinking of.
The Scientist, the Soldier, the Hot Chick and the Big Hairy Guy Summary: On an alien world, the team are caught in a mysterious gate malfunction. 1.8K
mific at AO3 Why I rec: The author notes that she read a story with too many epithets, and wondered if she could write a story with nothing but epithets. It's creative and hilarious, and great good fun; amazing how many different ways the same person can be described!
What Might Have Been Summary: This is an alternate universe series in that Rodney McKay never went to Atlantis, the mission failed within its first two years and John Sheppard finds himself back on Earth as the second in command of Stargate Command under the leadership of Major General Jack O’Neill. (10 long stories + 5 shorts, 250K)
Keira Marcos on her own siteWhy I rec: Complete AU, and completely engrossing. John and Rodney start a relationship; then, as danger threatens, their circle of friends and family continues to grow bigger, closer, and stronger.
Note: I read plenty of Gibbs/DiNozzo (lots of it in NCIS fandom), both angsty and sappy. But, somehow, my comfort fics are Tony & Tim, whether as friends or as lovers.
The Eva Chronicles Summary: A slow developing love story between two men struggling with what life throws at them, creating a unique family along the way. 151.5K
Emerald at AO3 Emerald at FF.net Why I rec: As the summary says -- when life deals body blows to one man, the other is there to support him, and then the support switches as needed. Each man grows and matures, with papa!Gibbs in their corner. Rose-colored glasses firmly in place.
Building Heaven Summary: Tony discovers something about McGee, which leads him to discover something about himself. 27.7K
Velvet Jinx at AO3 Why I rec: Tony, rather to his surprise, begins a relationship with Tim. In my feedback I said, "I love the back-and-forth but ever onward, the slight misunderstandings that they clear up with talking about them (what a concept!), the deepening relationship and growing love." Unfortunately, it's the only story she has in fandoms that I read, but it's enough. If this were printed, the page edges would be tattered with rereading.
A Brief History of Home Invasions: It's Not the Uninvited Guest, It's What You Do With Them That Counts Summary: When Tony turns up at Tim's door, suitcase in hand, Tim has no idea why he's there or what's supposed to happen next. Probably a revolutionary dish mop and a potential threat to his life aren't high on his list of possible options. 14.6K
Cat Walks Alone at AO3Why I rec: This is a snicker-worthy story; when Tony moves in and takes over, Tim is surprised how well it works, then is surprised at how close they've become...
Ethereal Summary: Gibbs gets his information pretty easily. Thanks to something hinky, that just got even easier. Every cloud has a silver lining. 30K
DNAchemLia at AO3 thecookiemomma at AO3Why I rec: Tim and Tony come to the reluctant conclusion that they're ghosts. But since they're still 'here', they decide that maybe they can continue to back up Gibbs. Throughout learning the ins and outs of ghosthood, each man supports the other and becomes grateful for their friendship.
Harry Potter
Note: This is a new fandom for me, which I started reading because of a crossover. I'm very weak on my HP canon; I'm only just now watching a friend's DVDs. When I read the first story, I'd only ever seen the original movie, many years ago. I read that story with a second window open on my laptop so that I could Google "explain harry potter horcrux" or "explain harry potter dmle". For about a year I only read Keira (and still haven't read all of those), but I'm starting to branch out to other authors.
Harry Potter and the Interfering Professor Summary: Daniel Jackson has ascended - now what? The Others have agreed to allow Daniel to visit other realities, other universes, on a quest to balance his own soul. Daniel wants to make a difference - and there are plenty of people out there who could use his help. Thankfully, the Others are willing to come along for the ride. At St. Mungo's, Daniel dons his healer/psychologist robes to right a wrong, to heal a family. In Azkaban, there is more than one soul to be saved. At Number 4 Privet Drive, a child needs rescuing. And, at Hogwarts, two giants among men are changed. 13.6K
Marzipan at AO3 Why I rec: Crossover with SG-1. I loved this; of course fair-minded Daniel, the Daniel who wants to help everyone he meets, wouldn't just float around while ascended. If he was prevented from helping those in his own universe, why not help folks in other universes? It's a real feel-good story, even though I don't quite catch all the references.
Duality Summary: Harry comes online as a Sentinel after the war and is forced to face some very difficult realizations about the people around him. 14.8K
Keira Marcos on her own siteWhy I rec: I pretty much like (almost) any fandom crossed or fused with The Sentinel. This is the one that drew me into HP fandom. I love the complexities introduced when Harry comes online, and how he and Hermione work together to fight back against those who wanted to use him for their gains.
Darkly Loyal Summary: They call him Blackmoor. They call him a dark lord. They only have themselves to blame for the man Harry Potter became. When the Light strikes a personal blow in their efforts to control him, Harry will risk everything to take back the life stolen from him. 182K
Keira Marcos on her own siteWhy I rec: I haven't finished this yet -- look at the length! But it's wonderfully detailed and complex; Harry, Hermione, and Draco form a Triad, then are forced to go back in time to eliminate their enemies before the evil can destroy their lives in the future.
Stargate SG-1
First Prime Summary: As Daniel falls in love with Teal'c, he needs to find a way to accept his Goa'uld symbiote. The results cause ripples that affect the galaxy. 151K
Lady Ra at AO3 Why I rec: Give the goa'uld race a tiny twist -- maybe some few of them are not egomaniacal psychopaths. It makes a lot of sense, and creates major changes for SG-1 and all around them. It's a long, engrossing, thoroughly entertaining tale, and the first of a series.
Mrs. Pollifax
The Spy Who Came to Christmas Summary: Mrs. Pollifax anticipates a quiet holiday with her daughter Jane's family, but instead there's spy trouble afoot. 8.2K
Sholio at AO3 Why I rec: I love Mrs. Pollifax, but never thought to look for fic until Sholio announced this at Yuletide last year, then fell head over heels for this story. It's pitch-perfect, completely in character as Mrs. Pollifax interrupts her Christmas to rescue Farrell. Absolutely delightful story; I'm smiling as I type this.
Calvin & Hobbes
The Last Frontier Summary: A story about a boy and his tiger or, if you will, a tiger and his boy. 1K
Dolimir at AO3 Rimilod at Wolfpup's Den Why I rec: So much fun. Glimpses of Calvin and Hobbes as they grow up. Then they figure out why no one else can see their best friend, and decide to fix it. And this story, out of all the fic I've read over the years, made me want to write as crossover with The Sentinel. Dolimir graciously gave her permission, which led to --
Through the I.U.I Summary: Blair hasn't quite fallen through the looking-glass. 6.1K
Why I rec: I shouldn't -- self-rec, yo! -- but Dolimir liked it and, to me, each one enhances the other. I figure 1 out of 24 isn't puffing myself up too much.
Hawaii 5-0
Uhane verse Summary: Sentinel fusion; Danny is the sentinel, and Steve his guide. (16 stories so far) 190K
Sealie at AO3 Why I rec: I like this reversal (so many authors make the military man the sentinel), and it really works. Danny is a prickly sentinel who resists every attempt to find him a guide... because he already has the most unguidelike guide in history, who doesn't even know he's a guide. They have to resist the Sentinel-Guide hierarchy trying to separate them, but the people of Hawai'i have their backs.
Joan’s Beez series Summary: Euglossia watsonia bees are intelligent, profane, and fiercely loyal to their namesake. (10 stories, 23K)
Gardnerhill on AO3 Why I rec: This series is just plain fun. The new species of bees is able to communicate with Joan, and she frequently finds it useful to have a miniature army as backup.
Quantum Leap
For I Would See the Sun Rise Upon the Glad New Year Summary: Even 'never' can be undone when you have time on your side. 7.7K
Azar at AO3 Why I rec: A Yuletide 2008 story that I've recced before, but it just blew me away. QL may have been my 1st fandom, before I knew what fandom was. But I hated those last lines of QL. "Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home." It broke my heart into little bitty pieces, and I considered it vastly unfair. This story fixes that (after a suitable amount of angst). It'll now be my personal canon ending, much better than what TPTB gave us.
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