Mar 29, 2005 15:24
I got up for work early today... I felt like Luke after he had been attacked by that monster in Episode V while hiding from the Empire on Hoth.
I gathered up my stuff and got in my car and thought about how nice it would be to have an X-Wing!
I began driving down the interstate and wished I could hit hyperdrive but I knew my luck was much like that of Han Solo and I would probably not be able to use it anyway. So I finally got to work and my boss is totally like the Emperor with his rules and sometimes I feel like just one of those endless clones in my cuibical fighting the rebellion one cutomer complaint ticket at a time!
So I made it to lunch and I got this soup that looked like that stuff Yoda made for Luke (also in Episode V) and it made me like "ugh I don't want that anymore." It took me a lot of time just to stay awake, my mind was all like tired like if I had been pulling a spaceship from a swampy lagoon!
So I finally get to three thirty and I'm like bored out of my mind so I'm all like I should start a livejournal cause that's a hip thing to do in the future cause I was being all long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Pretty soon I'm going to get to go home and I'll all be like running from this place like Leia and Luke ran fro the Death Star in Episode IV cause this place is BORING.
Worst part of it all is that I'm like all those poor rebel guys who blew up the death star cause even though I did that I still have to go to school and they had to still kill Vader so I know exactly how I feel.
Sometimes I think of how ironic my life is cause its like I'm playing out Star Wars each and every day! Just amazing! Ok well I'm out for the day!
Luke Airtreader (I just made that up my real name is Stanley Reynolds but that's no good for a jedi name)
*This journal is purely fictional, any belief in it whatsoever will most certainly expose you to be a total moron. Thank you for your time.*