This weekend was fun! Saw my two most favorite asian women in my life :D I had promised a visit and this one was two months late.. heh.. but it was great timing. The week was way too stressful on me and this break was great before this hell of a motnh coming..heh. and Peter's roomate was out of town so I hung out at his place with no problem. I went up friday afternoon and came back today and I did not get lost..hehe. Wasn't too hard to find my way around that place. I spent most of the weekend with Gianna and Peter. I got there Friday adn we ate at this Cuban resaurant which was way cool.. It kinda reminded us of Miami for asecodn and then we looked out the window and it was gainesville again.
We tried watchign Sin City that night, but didn't make it. Ate soem Coldstone and ran through the crazy ass rain with thunder taht lit up the sky like day. and then went to Gator Nights and spent like 3 or 4 hours jsut talking about stuff... Laughing at these odd people with balls and they would make the ball go around there arms and hands and stuff.. At one point the two of the ball peopel went into a room adn we were like ":O omg are they going to do it?!" hehe I tried to get Gianna and peter to watch Moulin Rouge, but they hated it..And Pete was all tired out so that was the end of friday night.
Saturday we went to the art festival in downtown gainesville, which was only like 5 minutes away.... Gainesville be small We saw lots of art and I was like "woa, willl I ever do stuff likethis?!"
I saw Nancy's art studio which was cway cool. and saw the stuff she was working on. We got her to eat dinner with us! WHICH WAS GREAT!
Wefound this chinese restaurant and ate somegood food there.. I had fried wontons with Cream cheese in em! I ahd never ahd such a thing before I think. I usually just eat it with beef or shrimp.. So I tried it and it was cool.. and I learned somewhat hwo to eat with chopsticks. and was getting ready to eat my friend rice with chopsticks, but they brought me a spoon with it.. while everyone elses meals, they dind't get forks or anything... I was like "hmm they msut know I'm a newb with chopsticks" And then at one point I was taking pictures of my food, and cameto pick up the plates and was like "huh? what are you doing?".. So then like everytime he came around I took more pictures of the food and like the third time he waslike "You're firend is crazy"
We went to see Sin City later that night.. All of us decided it really wasn't good. the whole animation was cool and new for a movie, but that can only take you soo far. The violence was just too much. and yea I know Frank Miller's comic books are dark, but that level of violence was just dumb. and the way women were portrayed.. At one point it was like "OK, why do I ahve to see an ass there.. yea its nice for a guy, but come on.." I think perhaps if they had not divided it into three stories, and just did one like the Bruce willlis story. LIke I sure do wanna read the comic books cause the stories seemed interesting and the background stuff you did get, the whole politics of the city; that was cool... but I dont' tihnk the movie was good. we came back to the dorm and I saw like the first two episodes of the OC.. that shit is pretty good man. Very interesting story, and Adam Brody being a dweeb. sooo funny. I thought he was gonna be the cool kid..
And we didn't do much after that.. slept, woke up, ate breakfast. Saw my twin who was busy with architecture..and then said my byes and came back to Orlando.
Fun weekend. Thank you Gina, Nancy and peter for seeing me. I was great to go out and do stuff.
Morning hair...ew.
at the art festival, I got this kid kicked in the face! jk..heh. they were doign this dancing with martials moves.
Gina and Pedro
Peter wanting to do art.
Our kick-ass waiter that didn't understand me!
Peter scarfing it down!
chillin in the car like thugz
Gina just wants to sleep...