Jul 20, 2007 01:53
day 3 of fast was hard, i had a rockstar and some lozenges...i also went to dinner w/my mom though, i ordered 1 shot espresso, 1 sugar free italian soda, and 1 water w/lemon, and we were at my fav restaurant california pizza kitchen...my mom ordered the grilled veg salad(what i get usu, cause im a veg),split pea soup, and banana foster cake with chocolate/ice cream...i watched her...with relish...hahaha annnd the server was soo cute, i flirted, and it was awesome...he said "you arent ordering any food?" and i said "ya know, im not really very hungry...for food(wink)" lol...i felt soo strong, then i went to the pet store and my mom fucking bought a rabbit. because i cant have ANYTHING that is just my thing, and its sweet and soft nd it lets you love on ite and it sits like a puppy in your lap...ughh and its a girl, my rbbit is going mad trying to hump her...sigh, more on this later...tomorrow beach...i cant even imagine myself in a bathing suit...yuck, im going where no one is sitting so i can be invisible