Mar 15, 2007 22:54 pretty proud today...370 cal,burned 300 at gym and biked 10 miles...i love that my mom isnt suspicious of me and i wanna keep it that way, imean i talk about calories, working out, dieting big time, an d my friends eating disorder all the time,and she doesnt say a thing, doesnt skip a beat in conversation.... and as i left her tonite she was like "ok hunnie, have fun at the gym" and i think its hilarious cause she knows all i had was 370 cal, and you know what, i honestly think she thinks im fat...hahah so funny, like shes supporting this it, but i do have to eat small amounts around her or she'll start to nag out of guilty conscience rather than true concern...and that would be bleck...i just cooked a bunch of rice and veggies burgers (with gum in my mouth obviously) and i didnt lick one spoon, finger, or cup....i divied them out onto seran wrap in little 400 calorie clusters and put them in the freezr(theres 3)...for some reason when something is in the freezer i am less likely to remember it or binge on it, so fantastic...then i didvied up my trail mixes (so there wont be another incident!) into the proper portions of 130 cal and 110 cal.clusters...god i love measuring cups and seran wrap! i feel so controlled and happy...yay yay yay for me
i also took my measurements...ughh im a little (uh lie....alot!!!) ashamed of the high numbers but ill post them bravely because they'll change soon...the reason i do this is i dont have a scale readily available all the i need other ways to account, and inches are better than lbs, esp if i gain any muscle...
so here it is
30-pouch(you know that terrible thing below your belly button)
21-thigh at largest point
17 ¾-mid thigh
13 3/4 -above knee
12 ½- calf at biggest point
11 1/2 -below knee
9 ½- below calf big point
7 ½- ankle
12 ¾-mid neck
36 ½-ass
8 ¾-forearm mid
8 ¾-below bicep
9- bicep unflexed
11 ½ -deltoid around
19 ½-arpit shoulder around
32-above bust
29-below bust