
Nov 23, 2003 22:23

It's like the heater is busted in the house or something. o_O I’ve been cold all day.'s occurred to me that lately I haven't posted about any real updates in my life, I just ramble and crap. :-P Nothing really interesting has occurred lately, so uh, yeah.

Anyways, here’s a survey I got from Roaming Tigress of my top fifteen pet peeves in no particular order (of course there’s more then this, ‘cuz I get so easily annoyed, lol).

15. Pple who think acting like thugs/gang bangers is cool. Never mind the fact if these pple ever did met an actual criminal in RL, they'd prolly wet their pants.

14. Pple who make broad and typically ignorant generalizations on pple of different races, religions, etc.

13. On the other end of the spectrum, pple who are excessively paranoid about things being racist that obviously aren’t. For example, the “The Hughleys” wasn’t racist.

12. Smelly, loud children.

11. Art snobs and all their ilk.

12. Hardcore fans of anything. This also includes elitist fans and 'fandom cops'.

11. Catty girls.

10. Pple who whine a lot. I mean, dyam. I know life isn’t exactly peaches, but if you threaten to commit suicide twice a month or just create a lot of drama to get attention, then you’re just being a jackass.

9. Sorry, but I’ve got to agree with someone else on this-chicks who stay in abusive relationships because "he beat me only once”.

8. Pple who open their mouths, and painfully dumb stuff just comes out.

7. Grammar Nazis.

6. Lazy ass employers who don’t bother trying to contact perspective employees who sent out resumes to them (everyone hates that, huh?).

5. Hypocrites.

6. Mary Sues and bad books/writing. Authors like Robert Jordan need to be beaten about the head with a copy of one of their own books.

5. Pple who kvetch about inconstancies in entertainment (films, books, etc.), or say that a comic or whatever is a rip off of something else. I can see if it was something blatantly awful or silly (bad special effects, blatant rip offs, whatever), but some pple just nitpick at the most insignificant things.

4. Pple who come up with excuses for every jerk around.

I.e.: Person 1: “Rob ran off with my car and my money.”

Person 2: “Well, Rob does have a son in Boston. Maybe he was going to see him.”

3. Pple who talk too much, especially on crap that I could care less about.

2. Badly drawn porn. No, I don’t go looking for it, but when I accidentally stumble upon it somewhere, it makes me go search out some steel wool to wipe away my tears with. For that matter, ridiculously outsized boobs and other parts on characters. Bby all the laws of nature and physics, a scrawny lil’ vixen with big double D boobs should just snap in half like a twig or have a bunch of other medical problems.

1. A tie between self-righteous pple and pple who spout out total crap that makes you go “huh?” after you've just tried to make a point.

Idle thoughts. Timeline looks good, but I have to wonder how close to the book it is.
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