Oct 04, 2005 16:16
blah blahhhh i love college because there really isnt homework. i love it because if i really didnt want to i wouldnt have to go to class (but so far i want to) and i love it because its not high school at all.
i also love it because im taking a stand-up comedy class and i get to sit there for almost two hours and listen to people do the most amateurish stand-up comedy ever and its hilarious. im so nervous for my turn, but i think its going to be ok considering the fact that i can just get up there and tell stories and i looooove to tell stories. and im going to talk about fun things like drugs and its ok to talk about drugs! most people talk about masturbation and porn and being fat and ugly lol, cool group of people!!
i like being by myself here, although i dont get to do too much of that. but when i can, i like just walking around and exploring. things are good and i think they will stay good for a long time. wishful thinking....? possibly.
when i go back to the city this weekend i think i am never going to want to leave. i just want it to feel like its summer again and i want to go to a party and i want a lot of things. celeste is wonderful. she understands, shes not mad at me, she loves me and shes just worried about me. well....i did practically fall off the face of the planet for over 2 months, and yet it doesnt even matter. and i get to seeee jen. talking to her on the phone is diddly-squat. i wanna seeeee her.