(no subject)

Jun 19, 2011 10:38

God I think I have some sort of problem, my mood thing has changed  3 times in the past 10 minutes

Okay. Here it is: "I really want to stat a small business"

I'm probably the last person that people would think wanted to do that sort of thing. I've thought about it---I really have, what I'm going to stock where it'll be ect

It has me terrified though. I'm going to be doing business studies next year and I just hope that, that it'll give me all the information I need. I'm scared about things like "what if it's not successful" and "where willll I get the money" I know it's silly getting worked up by things that haven't even happened yet and may not ever happen at all but I think it's better to plan now than not to plan at all. I went into a bookstore and I was so proud of myself: I went straight to the business section and i looked at books on how to start your own small business and I found it so interesting, I learned a lot from just reading the first few pages. I don't know whether or not this is just some crazy fad idea I have that will fade in two months time...hope it's not. I'm so scared about what I'm going to be when grow up

Did this make any sense? No wait...I don't care :D

small business

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