Application for route_29

Jun 04, 2011 23:41

Name: Shay Caron
Livejournal Username: shaycaron
AIM/MSN: AIM ShayCaron47
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
Current Characters in Route: usegalacticpunt, movetutor

Name: Miyako
Series: Hidamari Sketch (also known as Sunshine Sketch)
Timeline: Post-third season
Canon Resource Links: Wikipedia / TV Tropes


To understand Miyako, art student at Yamabuki High and resident of the Hidamari Apartments, all you really need to know is this: She never does anything by halves. She's never neutral, never low-key -- no, she throws herself into everything she does and everything she feels. Her guiding rule is to take life as it comes, and she does it with a smile. Miyako is irrepressibly cheerful and endlessly energetic, always bouncing back from misfortune ready to take the world on all over again. Upon meeting new people, Miyako gives the initial impression that she was off playing hide-and-seek the day they handed out impulse control. But once they've gotten to know her, they'll see that she's... well, she's actually like that all the time. She's loud and enthusiastic in conversation, usually using more exclamation points than periods, and she loves to lean into people's personal space.

Miyako does know how to be serious, though, and for the most part she knows when she should. (At one point in the anime, she quietly helps her sick friend change out of her sweaty pajamas, cheerfully preparing a snack for her afterward.) The girl just loves to have fun, and she's happiest when her friends are with her having fun as well. She'll go out of her way to try to cheer someone up if they're feeling down, and she doesn't mind looking like an idiot if it gets someone to laugh. She does have a tendency to tease a little too much, though, prodding at her friends' sore spots without meaning ill. (She often gets smacked for this, and she accepts it as being only what she deserves.) And sometimes she's just plain weird, going off on bizarre flights of imagination or twisting the conversation until it leads to food somehow.

Miyako is a remarkably talented young lady. Her paintings and sketches are usually rated near the top of her class, and she can bust out some pretty impressive sketches in a short time. Her hearing is good enough to catch fireworks going off from a long distance, and her sense of smell can distinguish various foods. She's also got a really great singing voice, not to mention the nicest body of her peer group. And despite her attention span being non-existent, she's pretty good at keeping up with schoolwork too. Hard to believe, but she got out of Yamabuki High's academic entry test because her middle school grades were so good! She never lets any of this stuff go to her head, though, employing her talents when they're useful and just relaxing like an ordinary goofball when they're not.


+ Miyako is always optimistic and cheerful, never allowing anything to keep her down for long.
+ She's pretty athletic, so traveling through Johto won't be problematic for her.
+ She's got a lot of creative talent -- painting and singing -- and surprisingly, she does well in school too.
+ Miyako loves to make friends, and once she's made a friend, she'll consider them a friend for life.

- Miyako has a black hole for a stomach, and she often thinks with her stomach rather than her brain.
- She can be very impulsive, going with an idea the instant it pops into her head.
- She likes to tease her friends, and sometimes she goes a little too far without realizing it.
- She sleeps a lot, often falling asleep in class.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Breeder

Starter: Smeargle (female), "Palette-chan".

Password: Grape Jelly!


First Person Sample:

[The feed opens on a young blonde girl, blowing out a tired breath. She quickly swipes her forearm across her forehead, wiping away the sweat that had beaded there.] Finished! Hey, everybody, check it out!

[The camera spins around, to reveal a massive mural painted on a house's wall. (The observant may recognize it as the back of the first house you see when leaving Mom's in New Bark Town.) The mural is in all green (similar to this image), featuring what might -- if you squint -- be abstract versions of a few of the Pokémon in Route 29. At the bottom it reads "WELCOME TO JOHTO" in big block letters.]

Pretty great, huh? [Miyako turns the camera back to her and her Smeargle.] Palette-chan and I painted it to help all the newbies cheer up a little! She's really talented! And her tail is like... a never-ending paintbrush! Just imagine if I could get a team of her in all different colors... The world would be our delicious crab! [She starts drooling a little. The Smeargle looks a shade confused, but still nods happily, caught up by her trainer's enthusiasm.]

Anyway, I'm Miyako! Pleased to meet you! We're supposed to get going down that road now, right? And there's bigger cities up ahead? I need to pick up some different colors for Palette-chan to use, and some brushes and paper for myself! I can sketch in my notebook, but with all my art supplies back at the apartment, I need to stock up here!

[Just before shutting off the camera, she stops, light bulb blinking above her head.] Oh yeah, and where's a good place to get something to eat? I... kinda finished the bento Mom gave me already. Ehehehe!

Third Person Sample:

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Miyako dashed back to the confines of New Bark Town, arms over her head as a Pidgey chased after her attempting to peck her to bits. It abandoned the attack when she got back to Mom's house, though, so she collapsed in the grass, Palette flopping down at her side. "Whew!" Miyako sighed, staring up at the sky. "I must've looked like a really tasty worm to him. Are there worm Pokémon here? I bet they'd be pretty good against dirt Pokémon! ...Are there dirt Pokémon here?"

Palette sighed, curling up against her trainer's side. She was already getting used to the girl's constant flights of fancy. But she was still discontented. She'd run scared from the Pidgey, and Miyako had been hurt because of it. She reached up to gingerly pat the sore spot on Miyako's head.

"Huh? Hey, don't worry, Palette-chan, I'm fine!" Miyako grinned and pulled Palette on top of her for a hug. "Sae-san with a frying pan is a lot scarier than that bird! We'll figure out a way to get to the next town. Maybe if we disguised ourselves?" She rustled around in her backpack. "I bet if I paint myself green, I'll look just like a bush..."

"Smear, Smeargle!" Palette wasn't satisfied with that, tugging on one of Miyako's hands and gesturing at Route 29 again. Miyako frowned. "Are you sure? I'm not gonna make you fight if you don't wanna." But she insisted, tugging harder, until Miyako smiled and hopped back to her feet. "Alright! I'm counting on you, Palette-chan! Let's show those guys who's boss!"

They made the trek out again, and after only a few minutes they ran into another wild Pokémon -- this time, an angry-looking Rattata. It took the initiative, dashing forward and knocking Palette back with a Quick Attack. "Palette-chan!" Miyako yelped -- but though Palette was shaking, she held her ground. She grabbed her paintbrush tail with one paw, lashing out at the purple rat... and Miyako watched in amazement as the one move her Pokégear displayed melted from "Sketch" into "Quick Attack".

Miyako grinned and punched her palm. "That's the way, Palette-chan! You can do it! Go, go, go!" And with that encouragement, the Smeargle leapt into battle once more.

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