Apr 09, 2010 22:19
Today was a much needed recuperation day.
Between starting my latest grad classes and being entirely consumed with writing What You Wish For-- I really needed it. It's been yeeeeears since I've pumped out so many chapters in such a short time, as my poor FE readers are well aware. ^^;
In other news, I'm going to be camping out all Burning Man style at the Coachella Music Festival next weekend. I get to see Muse, Tiesto, Gossip, Gorillaz, Thom Yorke, Band of Skulls, Jonsi, Miike Snow, and about a zillion other (mostly Indie) bands. More importantly, I'll get to hang out with David Hasselhoff in the Beer Garden, since he's been known to escape from rehab to get soused there. A weekend of camping, music, friends, and decadence? Weee! I'll come back burnt to a crisp (and likely hungover in various ways), but I expect it will be worth it.