This week's episode = Bwuh?? A thousand times bwuh???
CLINT HOWARD: *Waves* Hi, Clint Howard! WTF are you doing here, Clint Howard, and in such a tiny, unworthy-of-you cameo?
Sylar/Danko: I'm glad this partnership has finally come to its end because I was in real danger of being sucked in during that bonding scene where Danko counseled Sylar about finding something to anchor himself to. Thank goodness that potentially sweet idea didn't go to unbelievably creepy places. Oh, wait...
Sylar/Dead!Mother: Oh... my... God. This crazy train went off the rails at WTF City when Sylar began smelling his dead mother's bloody sweater and then it just kept right on going straight into Schizophrenia Town. And once again, we have a crazy dude playing chess with himself just like Nathan and Head!Linderman. Solo chess is a sure sign of insanity on this show.
I feel compelled to interject that Sylar didn't "fit in" growing up (or ever) because he's a sociopathic serial killer, and that doesn't just spring up overnight. Sylar apologists love to blame Virginia for this, but an unholy love of snow globes does not a serial killer make. Just sayin'.
Also: "I killed the only woman who ever loved me." I guess Elle has now been retconned as well? It was only a matter of time, I suppose, since everyone else from S2 (*Cough*Adam*Cough*) has already been erased. I sure as hell don't believe that Monica would have allowed Micah to became a homeless squatter in New York City if she still existed.
Sylar/Nathan: I very possibly orgasmed when Sylar called Nathan a "bad boy." I've also come to the conclusion that Nathan's sexy suits and his copious amounts of hair gel are part of his DNA. And I am not surprised at all by this revelation.
Sylar/Peter: Awww, Sylar picked up that picture of Nathan and Peter when he was talking about Nathan having everything. He so liked having Peter as his brother for those five seconds. I hope this little "almost was" bond isn't completely forgotten in the times to come because it was one of my favorite aspects of V3 (and there weren't that many).
Ando/Hiro: The boys continue to have marital problems centered around the "me time" vs. "our time" issue, but then Hiro sets Ando up to be brutally tasered. I'm pretty sure that's grounds for divorce because DUDE, Hiro, WTF? There was no other way that plan could have gone down?
Isaac's Loft: *Finally has some security* Not that it keeps out those errant heroes! Nope, nope.
Sylar/Micah: Sylar seriously needs to stick to the companions who are of legal age. Luke is one thing, but my brain pretty much died when he actually took this puppy home with him. When Sylar threatens small children and animals (i.e. Mr. Muggles) I finally see the line. The dude can kill any number of people in any variation of gruesome ways, and I'll still want to jump his bones, but killing Micah or Mr. Muggles is going to seriously make me reconsider whether an attraction to a serial killer is a good idea.
Matt/Janice: Guess who's already over poor Daphne? Matt is! I love how he always jumps the gun with women. "Nice to meet you, Daphne, you're destined to have my baby!" and then "Janice, I know I abandoned you for at least a year but I'm back so we're in love again in case you were wondering, kthnx." Janice looks smokin' this episode, but I kind of wish she'd punched Matt in the face.
Sidenote about Zachary Quinto: Boy was soooo on his game this episode. But I wonder how ZQ feels about all these other actors imitating him and some rather lazily with just that smirk. He seems like a darling person, so he's probably totally amused, but I think I'd be more like, "Come on, guys, there's a bit more to my performance than that." Ah, well.
Death Previews: It would be great if we could end a season for once in a way that doesn't leave Nathan's life hanging in the balance. I'll be sad if Hiro's nosebleed leaves him as the infamously totted "main character death" of the season, but I don't think I could keep watching if Nathan finally kicks the bucket. I've said it once and I'll say it again: I watch this show for the Petrellis. Everyone else is just occasionally lukewarm gravy. I don't believe for a second that they would ever kill off Peter, but if Nathan or Angela go then I will be devastated. Judging by that "Claire is going to be so mad at me" line, it's either Nathan or HRG. For the love of all things good and pure in this world, writers, take Matt instead! Ali Larter hasn't made a valuable contribution to the show in over two years! Or (yeah, right) Claire! Please!