In the absence of good Bleach anime episodes or intriguing manga chapters (no Rukia), the omake chapters are a balm to my soul...
Omakes are LOVE! ^_^
Orihime is supposed to be the "sexy character," but Rukia's the one always wearing the shorter skirts. From her stolen school uniform to this Christmas outfit. Speaking of Orihime... Courtesy of Adult Swim re-airing Bleach from the beginning, I finally got Nicole to watch an episode that didn't include Yumichika running around confusing her with his eyebrow accessories. The end result was that she loves Rukia for hiding in Ichigo's closet without asking him, and she hates Orihime because the last thing she ever said to her brother was "Have a good day." Yes, that is her reason. *FacePalm* She came up with the theory that Orihime makes such crazy food concoctions because she knows how annoying she is, and she expects someone to try poisoning her. She's building up resistance. Yes, it was 2 in the morning, but that one had me in hysterical stitches for a good twenty minutes. I truly don't hate Orihime, but funny is funny. ;)