Major airlines are required by law to provide flight attendants for the safety and security of the traveling public. Drill scenarios will provide crewmember with the opportunity to merge procedural knowledge with practical skills. Ability to successfully react to different fire situations will enhance level of confidence and to deal with fires in flight.
* While fighting a fire inside the lavatory mock-up. We have extra equipments to wear such as mask, Gloves, Glasses, have to carry a fire extinguisher and be calm as possible. Imagine if this is real situation!?! Probably, I'll be the first one panicking! hehe!
* Next week, we'll be going to
Emirates Aviation Center in Dubai for another recurrent training about
ditching and Slide/Raft inflation.
* Taken during our AB-Initio days when we joined the company 3 years ago. October 2006
(See all the photos here) 5 of my batch mates in this picture left already...
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