I rarely write blog entries because I’m more of a reader, I browse a lot, read a lot! From endless beauty tips, fitness, healthy food, exercise, skin care to cosmetics! If I don’t have flight my entire day will just be spent in front of my laptop! I have lots of beauty tips to share, skin care to recommend and a lot more!
Lately, there are lots of people sending me messages in friendster,multiply & ym (Honestly! online & offline messages not just about vanity but anything under the sun wholesome questions such as how to become a cabin crew, about faith, about life and of course beauty stuff which I do enjoy answering) It makes me glad when they appreciate my response & when they say I inspired them… I appreciate being asked, it gives me a feeling that I was able to help someone in my own simple ways... They usually call me Ate, Ms. Star, Sis all the time... It’s pretty amazing how powerful the internet is… We can gain new friends, keep in touch with family, relatives & friends...
With these circumstances, I realized that I should be blogging more often to share my insights , reviews and recommendations… I definitely won’t review a product I haven’t tried yet… (what’s the purpose of reviewing anyway!) I’m currently working on a new blog site… A better more informative website with categories that will suit your interest. My roster is quite hectic nowadays with only few day off - So I will launch it by the end of the month! I consider this multiply a success because it reaches 2,000+ viewers every month. I hope you will all continue to support my new blog site when I launch it soon… Thank you…