This is the end of the road.
This is from where to turn to pigeons, to fly the ships into the sun or to start farming. I'll let you go whichever way you want. Maybe you wanna have a go at this yourself. After all, all of this has happened before and all of it will happen again.
I love this community so much. I wanna say that.
I love each and every member, old as new, airlocked or current, and what you have tributed to this community. While we've always been small, we've been a force to be reckoned with, and a community to which other have looked for inspiration.
But fact is that everything comes to an end and I will make our #110th challenge our last. Our all time low participation numbers are one cause of it, but not all. I also gotta factor in that Battlestar Galactica is a finished show. People move on, no matter how stupid I think it is. Right now, all icon activity feels on the low pretty much everywhere, and has for a very, very long time (as well as people being on LJ at all!). I feel like icon comms is really a dying type of icon creation, and it makes me sad, cause this is how I've found a lot of new friends. But at the same time, I don't want the challenges to be a must and a pain and for you -- or me -- and for you to just slap something together. This community has always been about the fun and the creative. So I take it especially hard in this comm, which is my baby and beacon of icon comms. But it's time to end, and end here.
Most of you have for years tried your very hardest to enter the most advanced icons you can and bring us 100x100 pieces of absolute beauty, and I wanna let you know how much that really excites me.
You guys are utter and total rockstars.
But we all grow older, busier.. I look at myself and part of why I'm ending this comm is cause I don't feel I have the time in the same way I used to. Not even for this, my most beloved comm of the ones I run. I made a NY promise to make more icons in 2009 cause I love it. I love it so much. And still, I have only made six icon batches this year. Six. Over the course of 3½ years, we only took one hiatus, after 69 challenges. After another 40, it's time to say good night. With, hopefully, one big bang.
I have re-invited all airlocked members of this comm.
I would love it if you would all join us for one last challenge;
Battlestar Galactica: Bigger, Better, Uncut
Using any and all promo shots, episode stills, caps, sacans, whatever (for source material I suggest
Daydreaming that has everything up over there), we resurrect challenge #55 and go crazy; For this challenge, there are NO LIMITS. You can enter 56 icons and 5 wallpapers if you want to. I'll terraform the voting after the entries we get. Say we get a gazillion Anders icons (yes, please), then the Anders icons will get a separate voting and so on (see voting #55).
So you can make any number of things in any sizes you want. Please post all icons/wallpapers/song mixes/etc to one post and edit that one post with new stuff as you make it.
You have ONE MONTH, until
sunday night CET, Dec 20th. Voting will go up after that, and winners will be announced on New Year Eve, when I close
Please do you best to spread the word and make this last challenge as glorious as possible.
(as a sidenote, I also wanna beg anyone who wanna start a new elite BSG comm to please hold off until 2010. If you have ever loved this comm, please send everyone here to participate Until we're closed, and let the old lady go out with a bang! Thanks. ♥)