Nine of Swords
It is one of the many paradoxes of human nature that a bed can both make you secure and release your inner fears to haunt you. The night often holds your greatest fears and terrors, including nightmares like the one which has woken the woman on the Nine of Swords. This card rules regret, anxiety and all the other things that make you sit in bed at all hours of the night, afraid to close your eyes and go back to sleep. The Hermit
When questions about the nature of existence and the purpose of life start eating away at your mind, answers will not be found in the physical world. They can only be found inside of you. You have risen above your desires and emotions because they will no longer help you on your journey. Now you must become like the Hermit, who seeks the answers alone. Only the whispers of his Inner Voice, and the light of his lamp, will guide him now. Eventually even that lamp shall be cast away, because it is artificial and will not help the Hermit forever. His own inner light must learn to shine in the absence of the light of others. not-Leoben from "Maelstrom"
...come to think of it, these are both from "Maelstrom". I didn't intend it that way, but cool. Love that episode.