It was nice, having someone who knew enough about her past to know why she did certain things or perhaps acted certain ways--certainly why she wanted to go into linguistics, because not many people knew the truth about that one--and it was nice as well that Bones, like Sulu, had never pushed the issue. She'd done the same for him since the first time they'd met--she knew he had things that bothered him or secrets that weighed him down, but she'd never tried to pry them out of him. It was one of the nicer, simpler, more respectful relationships she was part of, and she thought that was why it worked.
She giggled slightly when he replied, giving the hyposprays another dubious glance. "Really? Because, you know, I don't really NEED them...." she gave him a hopeful smile, then frowned slightly. "That was worming out, wasn't it? Damn."
She relaxed slightly when he put the tricorder down and grinned at him. "Of course I pick up your insults. They're amusing and functional, and some of them are so subtle people don't even realize they're being insulted. It's amazing."
((HAH. She'll be like WUT NO. OKAI....SO....maybenotfromsittingbutfromotherthingsCANIGONOWPLZ?!))
"It was," he replied with a slight smile. He put the PADD down and lifted up various other instruments, laying them beside her on the bio-bed.
"Reflex test, then we'll talk about your general health, okay?" Of course, he expected that to be a rather short conversation. "And, as for the neck stabbings, providing you have no problem with it, I'll administer them in your arm."
He smiled then, almost a little smug. He was glad she picked up on them - he couldn't help being so snarky with some people, but it was frustrating when the insults flew right over their heads!
"Why thank you. You're really going all out on the complimenting me thing, aren't you? It won't get you out of the rest of this, though." And was he teasing? of course he was.
"After the reflex tests, I want to do more conclusive scans - heart, kidneys, lungs etc. Before we talk." He wanted to keep her as informed as possible, feeling that it was one of the best ways to help her stay calm in his medical bay. He wanted her as comfortable as she could be.
(Poor girl! Bones will be mortified if he finds out WHO she got her marks from :P)
"Damn," she sighed, eyeing the other instruments with varying degrees of mistrust. Why did doctors DO that, she wondered? It seemed mean to taunt people with the things they were going to be using on them.
She nodded when he spoke again, giving him a small smile. "I would be more than happy to have the neck stabbings occur in my arm instead of my neck," she said, sounding more than a little relieved. She almost lifted one hand to the bruise right under the collar of her uniform, but resisted--she wasn't sure if he'd actually have to SEE them, and she didn't really want to bring them up unless he asked.
"Well, you're welcome," she replied, teasing note in her voice as well. "Although I may have to stop now that I realize that batting my eyelashes and cooing about how nice you are won't let me off the hook," she raised one eyebrow slightly and grinned at him. "Did it work for Chris?" she inquired innocently.
"And that's fine. Is this where I tell you I only have one lung?" she asked, trying not to smile--she didn't want to give him a heart attack, after all, but she was fairly sure he knew she was joking. "Talk? What are we talking about?" she asked, suddenly suspicious.
((bwahaha. she will try to avoid telling him for as long as possible, and then will prolly blurt out OKAY IT WAS KIRK))
He smiled at her, and rolled his eyes in amusement, as he began his reflex tests (which I know nothing about so, uh, yeh...). At the mention of Christine, he knew the tips of his ears went slightly red, though that was the only indication that he'd been affected by the mention of her name. "Nurse Chapel hasn't had her medical, yet," he replied, giving her the slightest of looks, his expression telling her to behave! Though really, he should probably talk to someone, at some point, who wouldn't taunt him a la Kirk about things with Chris.
"One lung to go with the three hearts and seven stomachs, right?" He replied, being just as joking with her. Her suspicious tone though caused him to stop, as he furrowed his brow in thought. "General health. I need to also do a psych evaluation, but now you're not with the goblin, I'm sure I can put you down with a clean bill of health, rather than 'clinically insane'."
((hah, it's cool...the only one I know is the one where doctors tap your kneecaps to make your leg move))
She considered herself amazingly well-behaved through the reflex tests, considering that every other reflex in her was screaming at her to get out, to leave, to not be in this place where illness and death happened. She thought, at moments like these, that it was good that she'd decided to learn to meditate because otherwise she'd be a nervous wreck right now. But when he was done tapping and poking at her, she couldn't deny she breathed a tiny sigh of relief.
Watching Bones' ears go pink, however, at the mention of Chris? Totally made it worthwhile. She bit her lip to keep from saying something inappropriate about how Chris probably didn't NEED a physical since Bones saw her naked a lot, but that would have gotten her neck-jabbed, love or no love.
"Eight stomachs, actually," she responded absently, watching him frown and think about what it was he was going to say. "A psych eval?" She shrugged slightly. "Alright. And...I shouldn't be getting vicious pleasure from that last statement, but I am," she said, wincing slightly when she realized she was being entirely petty in getting pleasure from insulting Spock, at least with Bones. "So, what kinds of things are you going to ask me?" she asked, trying for casual--because if he asked her about her sex life, she'd have to tell him she'd been having sex, and he'd need to know who to test for things, and that....would just be awkward.
He was impressed over her reflexes, though he had expected them to be pretty great. She kept herself in good condition, and was young. He'd have been incredibly concerned if anything had popped up there.
So he tapped his notes into the PADD, silently very thankful she had said nothing like what she wanted to say! He was by no means ashamed of Christine - far from it - but he was still very unsure as to what to say.
"Eight? I always knew you were special, and wondered where all that food you ate went," And yes, he lightly prodded her stomach with his PADD then, still simply teasing her.
"Nothing wrong with pleasure from what I said," he replied, before considering his next reply. "Well, as much as you're not going to like me having to ask it, I am going to have to ask about... sex. Nyota, you were sleeping with Spock, weren't you? With him... doing what he did, I want to be sure you have a clean bill of health, no thanks to him. Then there are the less painful questions, such as your general health, how you've been feeling, how you're coping. If there is anything on your mind."
Since he hadn't run from the room screaming, she assumed that everything was in fine working condition--not that she was surprised. She wasn't the most athletic of the crew, but she kept herself in enough shape that, if needed, she could kick an ass or two--it just wasn't something that was logical, in her position, to have to do. She tried very hard not to read the notes he was tapping in on his PADD, but she was curious. Instead, she let her eyes wander, meeting his with a quick grin when he responded to her comment about stomachs, twisting away slightly when he poked her gently with the PADD.
"Hey! Ticklish," she protested, a small giggle escaping her. "And please, I eat half as much as some people on this ship," she protested, thinking of the one and only time she'd seen Scotty eat....of course, being stranded somewhere for six months might do that to a person, but it had been horrifying.
When he mentioned sex, her eyes went wide and her stomach dropped to her feet. Shit. It was practical, obviously--Spock could have had some weird disease that his Vulcan half would have protected him from but that she might have contracted instead, but how did she tell Bones that even before she and Spock had ended it, they hadn't actually had sex for almost three weeks? And then there was the question of how to tell him she was sleeping with Kirk....
But the use of her first name had her shifting guiltily where she sat, feeling like a child with her hand stuck in a cookie jar. "Um. Yes," she said quietly, staring at a point behind Bones' shoulder. "We began sleeping together about six months ago. And we didn't have sex for the three weeks prior to our breakup, although we were, obviously...involved. Sexually, that is, during that time." She could feel herself blushing, and ducked her head down. "Ah. There is something you should know. He was the only person I was sleeping with until about a week and a half ago." She wanted to just shrink down and hide and never have to answer these questions again--what was he going to do when he found out she was sleeping with Kirk?
"Ticklish? I'm torn. Do I put that in my notes or not?" Yes, more teasing. He rolled his eyes though, though still smiling.
"That's true. Jim, for one, eats like he's a starving man everytime." It'd been rather painful for him the first few times he had eaten with his friend. Of course now, he'd gotten used to the almost childlike way in which he did so.
He could tell from the way she sat, her expression and tone that this wasn't a conversation she wanted to have. Part of him didn't, either. But part of being a Doctor meant asking those awkward questions sometimes. So, folding his arms, he nodded along. He wasn't surprised they'd slept together - it was only natural. Well, for a human.
But it was when she continued that he was surprised. A slight raise of his eyebrow followed, and shift in stance. Interesting.
"Right. Who have you been sleeping with? IF there is anything that damn Vulcan has given you, they'd need testing for it too. And any subsequent partners they've also had. I hope you've been with someone almost virginal, in that case." He was trying to make light of it, to make her less uncomfortable.
Nyota raised one eyebrow at him. "Please, don't. You do realize this ship is stock-full of geniuses, right? And that any one of them may be inclined to hack into my file because they're bored, right? And then I would be harassed by Ensigns night and day and then I would have to hurt you." Of course, she was joking....mostly.
"It's kind of weird," she agreed, thinking about how, next to Scotty, the captain seemed like the most polite person on the face of the planet. Of course, thinking about him eating made her think about his mouth, which was just...not something she should be thinking about, with Bones less than a foot away from her.
She knew that she was projecting, big-time, but where she could use meditation to calm her breathing and make her look like she wasn't flipping out because of doctors and hospitals, it was harder for her to do when she was talking about something like this. Something she knew was important, and that she had to be honest about. But, damn it, she didn't want to have to be honest about this--and, while sleeping with Kirk had never seemed like the brightest thing in the world, she hadn't anticipated having to tell Bones about it. Telling him about Spock wasn't hard--she suspected that he'd figured out they'd slept together. Telling him about Kirk? Yeah, she was so NOT looking forward to that.
"Well. Ah," she began, uncharacteristically at a loss for words. One hand crept up to her neck, fingers gently touching the mark there before she caught herself and put the hand in her hair instead, winding the long strands around her fingers, hoping it would look like that was her intent all along. "See, well. It might be a bit difficult to find this person's subsequent partners because this person really isn't the most virginal person around," she said, trying to make a joke out of it but instead having to look down at her knees again. God, this was going to suck.
"I've been sleeping with Kirk?" it came out as a question, and she cringed at how tiny and afraid of reproach she sounded.
"I'll be on my best behavior," he replied, crossing over his chest, a 'scouts honor' kind of move. There are few people he'd never dare to cross with Uhura very close to the top of the list! She was fiesty, and whilst he could handle that mostly, he had a feeling she'd eat him alive.
He watched her carefully, his eyes following her hand where he was sure he caught a hint of something on her skin. What was that? He'd have to explore further later. If she had some sort of rash, it really would need looking at.
But, oh hell, when she said 'Kirk', his stomach about dropped. His eyes widened and, though he wasn't pleased with his own reaction, he simply could not hide his surprise! He thought she'd never buckle under his flirtations. Damn, he thought she was better than that - more worthy of someone than Jim! He did love his best friend, of course, but he knew what Jim was like. He was a heart breaker.
She'd been hurt enough already.
"Jim?! Nyota, what the hell are you thinking?" He asked her quietly. This was definitely not Doctor McCoy talking. Rather 'big brother figure Leonard'.
Nyota snickered slightly, watching him promise not to tell. She knew that he knew that she would never really do anything terrible to him--well, unless under dire circumstances, obviously. But she knew that if it really came down to it, he might do the same to her. Which would have been amusing, if not so terrifying.
She couldn't even make herself look at him once she said Kirk's name. She watched his eyes widen, and had to drop her own, scared that she'd see something like disgust on his face. She knew what it looked like, she did--she'd been laughing off Kirk hitting on her for almost three years, been putting him down with quick remarks and withering glances, and had basically announced to the world that she wasn't going to ever, in a million years, sleep with Jim Kirk.
Only then she had. And she had to admit, even to herself, that she hadn't been expecting that. And she wasn't even sure what she was expecting, except that Jim gave her some semblance of companionship, somewhere she could at least lose herself for a while, because that's all it was--just finally being able to do something reckless, not thinking about consequences, or even thinking at all. And maybe it wasn't healthy, but it was what had happened.
"Yes," she answered softly, keeping her eyes on the floor. When he asked the next question, she couldn't help it--he sounded so disappointed, and worried, and just...she blinked, and tears that had been forming since she'd looked down began falling down her cheeks. "I don't know, Leonard," she whispered, keeping her eyes on the floor, afraid that if she looked at him she would just lose it. "I just...God, it jut hurts so much, you know?" She looked up at him, almost pleading with him to understand. "And when I'm with him, I don't have to think about what happened, or anything, I can just...I don't know. Forget?" She wasn't sure how to tell him that she knew that what was going on with Kirk wasn't permanent, how she was doing something completely stupid for once and not caring about the consequences.
He knew his reaction had probably not been the best for Nyota, but he couldn't help himself. He was an emotional person, and wore his heart on his sleeve. There was little he hid in that sense. He wasn't a fan of hiding things like that anyway. Life would be easier, he felt, if people just said what they thought and acted on how they felt. Which was a major factor in why he clashed so much with Spock.
He tensed up, his shoulders rising oh so slightly and his back stiffening when that broken tone flittered from her lips, and the tears slipped from her eyes. He most certainly was NOT in Doctor mode right now and, despite the fact he rarely did such things, he stepped closer and wrapped both of his strong arms around her, his face contorting with pain that he felt on her behalf.
"Nyota, I'm sorry, I didn't intend on making you cry," He spoke softly. Damn, he felt awful for that! Especially to say what a strong woman she was. Seeing her cry somehow was worse than seeing other people cry.
And yes, her reasonings were...decent, behind sleeping with Jim. But Jim was still Jim. The most notorious heart breaker in the academy. He'd seen countless girls fawn over him, chase after him, only to be disappointed afterwards.
She giggled slightly when he replied, giving the hyposprays another dubious glance. "Really? Because, you know, I don't really NEED them...." she gave him a hopeful smile, then frowned slightly. "That was worming out, wasn't it? Damn."
She relaxed slightly when he put the tricorder down and grinned at him. "Of course I pick up your insults. They're amusing and functional, and some of them are so subtle people don't even realize they're being insulted. It's amazing."
((HAH. She'll be like WUT NO. OKAI....SO....maybenotfromsittingbutfromotherthingsCANIGONOWPLZ?!))
"Reflex test, then we'll talk about your general health, okay?" Of course, he expected that to be a rather short conversation. "And, as for the neck stabbings, providing you have no problem with it, I'll administer them in your arm."
He smiled then, almost a little smug. He was glad she picked up on them - he couldn't help being so snarky with some people, but it was frustrating when the insults flew right over their heads!
"Why thank you. You're really going all out on the complimenting me thing, aren't you? It won't get you out of the rest of this, though." And was he teasing? of course he was.
"After the reflex tests, I want to do more conclusive scans - heart, kidneys, lungs etc. Before we talk." He wanted to keep her as informed as possible, feeling that it was one of the best ways to help her stay calm in his medical bay. He wanted her as comfortable as she could be.
(Poor girl! Bones will be mortified if he finds out WHO she got her marks from :P)
She nodded when he spoke again, giving him a small smile. "I would be more than happy to have the neck stabbings occur in my arm instead of my neck," she said, sounding more than a little relieved. She almost lifted one hand to the bruise right under the collar of her uniform, but resisted--she wasn't sure if he'd actually have to SEE them, and she didn't really want to bring them up unless he asked.
"Well, you're welcome," she replied, teasing note in her voice as well. "Although I may have to stop now that I realize that batting my eyelashes and cooing about how nice you are won't let me off the hook," she raised one eyebrow slightly and grinned at him. "Did it work for Chris?" she inquired innocently.
"And that's fine. Is this where I tell you I only have one lung?" she asked, trying not to smile--she didn't want to give him a heart attack, after all, but she was fairly sure he knew she was joking. "Talk? What are we talking about?" she asked, suddenly suspicious.
((bwahaha. she will try to avoid telling him for as long as possible, and then will prolly blurt out OKAY IT WAS KIRK))
"One lung to go with the three hearts and seven stomachs, right?" He replied, being just as joking with her. Her suspicious tone though caused him to stop, as he furrowed his brow in thought. "General health. I need to also do a psych evaluation, but now you're not with the goblin, I'm sure I can put you down with a clean bill of health, rather than 'clinically insane'."
(Awesome stuff! Bwah!)
She considered herself amazingly well-behaved through the reflex tests, considering that every other reflex in her was screaming at her to get out, to leave, to not be in this place where illness and death happened. She thought, at moments like these, that it was good that she'd decided to learn to meditate because otherwise she'd be a nervous wreck right now. But when he was done tapping and poking at her, she couldn't deny she breathed a tiny sigh of relief.
Watching Bones' ears go pink, however, at the mention of Chris? Totally made it worthwhile. She bit her lip to keep from saying something inappropriate about how Chris probably didn't NEED a physical since Bones saw her naked a lot, but that would have gotten her neck-jabbed, love or no love.
"Eight stomachs, actually," she responded absently, watching him frown and think about what it was he was going to say. "A psych eval?" She shrugged slightly. "Alright. And...I shouldn't be getting vicious pleasure from that last statement, but I am," she said, wincing slightly when she realized she was being entirely petty in getting pleasure from insulting Spock, at least with Bones. "So, what kinds of things are you going to ask me?" she asked, trying for casual--because if he asked her about her sex life, she'd have to tell him she'd been having sex, and he'd need to know who to test for things, and that....would just be awkward.
((hah! they are so amusing and adorkable))
He was impressed over her reflexes, though he had expected them to be pretty great. She kept herself in good condition, and was young. He'd have been incredibly concerned if anything had popped up there.
So he tapped his notes into the PADD, silently very thankful she had said nothing like what she wanted to say! He was by no means ashamed of Christine - far from it - but he was still very unsure as to what to say.
"Eight? I always knew you were special, and wondered where all that food you ate went," And yes, he lightly prodded her stomach with his PADD then, still simply teasing her.
"Nothing wrong with pleasure from what I said," he replied, before considering his next reply. "Well, as much as you're not going to like me having to ask it, I am going to have to ask about... sex. Nyota, you were sleeping with Spock, weren't you? With him... doing what he did, I want to be sure you have a clean bill of health, no thanks to him. Then there are the less painful questions, such as your general health, how you've been feeling, how you're coping. If there is anything on your mind."
(Totally! ♥ )
"Hey! Ticklish," she protested, a small giggle escaping her. "And please, I eat half as much as some people on this ship," she protested, thinking of the one and only time she'd seen Scotty eat....of course, being stranded somewhere for six months might do that to a person, but it had been horrifying.
When he mentioned sex, her eyes went wide and her stomach dropped to her feet. Shit. It was practical, obviously--Spock could have had some weird disease that his Vulcan half would have protected him from but that she might have contracted instead, but how did she tell Bones that even before she and Spock had ended it, they hadn't actually had sex for almost three weeks? And then there was the question of how to tell him she was sleeping with Kirk....
But the use of her first name had her shifting guiltily where she sat, feeling like a child with her hand stuck in a cookie jar. "Um. Yes," she said quietly, staring at a point behind Bones' shoulder. "We began sleeping together about six months ago. And we didn't have sex for the three weeks prior to our breakup, although we were, obviously...involved. Sexually, that is, during that time." She could feel herself blushing, and ducked her head down. "Ah. There is something you should know. He was the only person I was sleeping with until about a week and a half ago." She wanted to just shrink down and hide and never have to answer these questions again--what was he going to do when he found out she was sleeping with Kirk?
"That's true. Jim, for one, eats like he's a starving man everytime." It'd been rather painful for him the first few times he had eaten with his friend. Of course now, he'd gotten used to the almost childlike way in which he did so.
He could tell from the way she sat, her expression and tone that this wasn't a conversation she wanted to have. Part of him didn't, either. But part of being a Doctor meant asking those awkward questions sometimes. So, folding his arms, he nodded along. He wasn't surprised they'd slept together - it was only natural. Well, for a human.
But it was when she continued that he was surprised. A slight raise of his eyebrow followed, and shift in stance. Interesting.
"Right. Who have you been sleeping with? IF there is anything that damn Vulcan has given you, they'd need testing for it too. And any subsequent partners they've also had. I hope you've been with someone almost virginal, in that case." He was trying to make light of it, to make her less uncomfortable.
"It's kind of weird," she agreed, thinking about how, next to Scotty, the captain seemed like the most polite person on the face of the planet. Of course, thinking about him eating made her think about his mouth, which was just...not something she should be thinking about, with Bones less than a foot away from her.
She knew that she was projecting, big-time, but where she could use meditation to calm her breathing and make her look like she wasn't flipping out because of doctors and hospitals, it was harder for her to do when she was talking about something like this. Something she knew was important, and that she had to be honest about. But, damn it, she didn't want to have to be honest about this--and, while sleeping with Kirk had never seemed like the brightest thing in the world, she hadn't anticipated having to tell Bones about it. Telling him about Spock wasn't hard--she suspected that he'd figured out they'd slept together. Telling him about Kirk? Yeah, she was so NOT looking forward to that.
"Well. Ah," she began, uncharacteristically at a loss for words. One hand crept up to her neck, fingers gently touching the mark there before she caught herself and put the hand in her hair instead, winding the long strands around her fingers, hoping it would look like that was her intent all along. "See, well. It might be a bit difficult to find this person's subsequent partners because this person really isn't the most virginal person around," she said, trying to make a joke out of it but instead having to look down at her knees again. God, this was going to suck.
"I've been sleeping with Kirk?" it came out as a question, and she cringed at how tiny and afraid of reproach she sounded.
He watched her carefully, his eyes following her hand where he was sure he caught a hint of something on her skin. What was that? He'd have to explore further later. If she had some sort of rash, it really would need looking at.
But, oh hell, when she said 'Kirk', his stomach about dropped. His eyes widened and, though he wasn't pleased with his own reaction, he simply could not hide his surprise! He thought she'd never buckle under his flirtations. Damn, he thought she was better than that - more worthy of someone than Jim! He did love his best friend, of course, but he knew what Jim was like. He was a heart breaker.
She'd been hurt enough already.
"Jim?! Nyota, what the hell are you thinking?" He asked her quietly. This was definitely not Doctor McCoy talking. Rather 'big brother figure Leonard'.
She couldn't even make herself look at him once she said Kirk's name. She watched his eyes widen, and had to drop her own, scared that she'd see something like disgust on his face. She knew what it looked like, she did--she'd been laughing off Kirk hitting on her for almost three years, been putting him down with quick remarks and withering glances, and had basically announced to the world that she wasn't going to ever, in a million years, sleep with Jim Kirk.
Only then she had. And she had to admit, even to herself, that she hadn't been expecting that. And she wasn't even sure what she was expecting, except that Jim gave her some semblance of companionship, somewhere she could at least lose herself for a while, because that's all it was--just finally being able to do something reckless, not thinking about consequences, or even thinking at all. And maybe it wasn't healthy, but it was what had happened.
"Yes," she answered softly, keeping her eyes on the floor. When he asked the next question, she couldn't help it--he sounded so disappointed, and worried, and just...she blinked, and tears that had been forming since she'd looked down began falling down her cheeks. "I don't know, Leonard," she whispered, keeping her eyes on the floor, afraid that if she looked at him she would just lose it. "I just...God, it jut hurts so much, you know?" She looked up at him, almost pleading with him to understand. "And when I'm with him, I don't have to think about what happened, or anything, I can just...I don't know. Forget?" She wasn't sure how to tell him that she knew that what was going on with Kirk wasn't permanent, how she was doing something completely stupid for once and not caring about the consequences.
He tensed up, his shoulders rising oh so slightly and his back stiffening when that broken tone flittered from her lips, and the tears slipped from her eyes. He most certainly was NOT in Doctor mode right now and, despite the fact he rarely did such things, he stepped closer and wrapped both of his strong arms around her, his face contorting with pain that he felt on her behalf.
"Nyota, I'm sorry, I didn't intend on making you cry," He spoke softly. Damn, he felt awful for that! Especially to say what a strong woman she was. Seeing her cry somehow was worse than seeing other people cry.
And yes, her reasonings were...decent, behind sleeping with Jim. But Jim was still Jim. The most notorious heart breaker in the academy. He'd seen countless girls fawn over him, chase after him, only to be disappointed afterwards.
(So does he now!!)
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