Who: EVERYONE GET IN HERE. Though, only those who DON'T plan on coming down and saving their sorry asses. If you want your character captured, please post now as part of the original landing party.
What: Discovering new civilizations and all that, etc.
Where: A currently unnamed planet.
When: ...Just a major plot point, more than likely
Warnings: None as of yet.
Captain's log, Stardate 2258.59. We have been orbiting an unidentified and previously undiscovered planet at the edges of the Klingon Empire, south of the Azure Nebula. We are about to embark on an exploratory mission. According to our readings, there are carbon-based lifeforms, as well as an abundance of steel alloys and preciously rare metals underneath the planet's surface. Further investigation is required in order to obtain information on these new developments.
Kirk closed the communicator, feeling sufficiently proud of the report he'd made using Spock's readings. They're procuring a team now -- medical, science officers, security men, and a few others. This was going to be the first away mission they had embarked on since the Enterprise set out, and he can't help but feel slightly antsy as himself and the rest of the landing party land on the surface of the planet.
The planet is humid and hot, densely covered by rainforest and an impressive amount of flora and fauna, mostly insect-like creatures. Kirk squints his eyes to see off in the distance, not quite able to make out much but the larger-than-life trees with thickly laden vines and ivy draped over them.