Title: The Vulcan
Author: Startrekfanwriter
Characters/Pairings: S/U
Rating: R
Warnings: Some sexual content/Violence/Adult themes
Summary: Spock is accused of misconduct with our favorite cadet -- and can't deny it. Captain Pike gives him the chance for a fresh start aboard the Farragut.
A/N (Author's Notes): Thank you to everyone who has dropped a review on ff.net! The response to this story has been quite unexpected. Although there are some steamy scenes Nyota and Spock are mostly apart -- but always together in mind. Starting in Chapter 5 there is a lot of action.
The chapters so far:
BondedThe StrangerGoodbyesAin't Misbehavin'The_Vulcan Bliss Part 1Bliss Part 2After BlissOn the HookEpsilon 1235