
Sep 08, 2013 01:27

There is a poll going around on tumblr asking which is the biggest ship of the Reboot fandom. I'm posting the survey here to give the other ships a chance to vote since I've only seen it posted in ONE ship community. This survey is for fun. There is no winner or loser. Being the biggest doesn't make it the best or the superior ship. I happen to multiship so I like so many anyway. You can vote more than once. I have no idea when it closes since it isn't my poll.

Poll: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G-5uTHRvQXEUYspw0C1aFzrBV5yEmqKBnBBlLelZLxU/viewform

Edit: You can keep track of the results at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G-5uTHRvQXEUYspw0C1aFzrBV5yEmqKBnBBlLelZLxU/viewanalytics and clicking refresh.

Mods, please remove is not allowed. Thank You

Update: Official results by the tumblr user who made the poll - http://danseru-kun.tumblr.com/post/60732262929/sorry-if-i-failed-to-include-some-other-ships-but
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