Title: Revolution
nevadafighterSeries: ST: TOS (Mirror Universe)
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy/Spock
Rating: R
Word Count: 64,790
Warnings: strong language, violence, some sexual themes, temporary character death, minor character death
Summary: Doctor McCoy is relieved to finally be back in his own universe, but his relief is short-lived. He soon learns that Spock has plans, and they don't involve letting the ship go back to the status quo.
Author's Note: Takes place during and after the events of the Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror".
Link to Fic:
Revolution at Doubleobsession.net!Link to Art:
Awesome Art! Some artwork contains spoilers!
Link to Mix:
Marvelous Mix! Quotes under mix contain spoilers!