Title: Born to be a Hammer
wyntreauroraSeries: STXI
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy, Sulu/Chekov, background Spock/Uhura, previous Chekov/Cupcake, ensemble.
Rating: R
Word Count: ~33,000
Warnings: AU. Bad things happening to good people. (Abuse, language, violence, implied torture, implied sex, drug use, canonical and original character death. One scene each of mild police brutality, mention of consensual underage sex, and ritualistic self harm.)
Summary: Twenty five years after George Kirk was murdered, the colony he helped to found has succeeded. But at what cost? Christopher Pike, ex-governor and owner of the Enterprise Hotel and Casino, has to face the ghosts of his past and an insane Romulan out for blood. Meanwhile, Jim Kirk and those who would have crewed his starship in a better universe revolve around each other in the sprawling city, unaware of the deadly storm brewing on the horizon.
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