Title: Xenolinguistics, Astrophysics, and Love: The Complete Education of a Starship Captain
jazzy_peachesSeries: ST XI
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/Spock (mostly pre-slash, but not for lack of trying on Kirk's part), with hints of Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Gaila
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~27k
Warnings: Alternate universe
Summary: It isn't enough for Jim to learn warp drive mechanics from the instructor in his Advanced Starship Technologies class. Spock thinks that he ought to be able to repair a warp drive in his sleep, give directions to someone else repairing one in the dark, and build one from scratch - or at least that's the impression that Jim gets from his lesson.
When he confronts Spock about it, Spock just raises one eyebrow and says, in his perfectly calm "humans are irrational but I will respond in a rational manner" tone of voice, "Would you want to serve under a starship captain who did not have those abilities? Or would you want to be the starship captain who let down his crew when he did not possess them?"
There is no answer for that of course, so Jim grumbles a little more and grabs the book out of Spock's hands. It's amazing, really, how even when Jim's actions are completely unpremeditated and lacking in flirtation, Spock manages to avoid even the slightest contact with him.
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