Title: Speak Of Me In The Present Tense
laughinggas13 Beta(s):
barrowjane Artist:
melisus Fanmixer:
ninety6tears Series: XI, World War II AU
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Spock, McCoy, Gaila, Chapel, Uhura, Pike, Scotty (sort of)
Rating: R
Word Count: ~30 000
Warnings: Violence, implied off-screen torture
Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.
Author's Note(s): Massive thanks to my beta,
barrowjane . Also to
amine_eyes for giving it a read-through and telling me it wasn't rubbish. Also-also to my artist
melisus and fanmixer
ninety6tears for making some truly awesome stuff. If you want to know what the title looks like in Morse code (and you know you do), check out the mix cover. There is an Epic Historical Note
over here (which I'll probably keep tacking stuff onto as I remember more reasons why History Is Cool).
Summary: A World War II AU in which Kirk, Spock and McCoy are agents working for SOE. Parachuted into Occupied France, they’re on a mission to foil plots, blow things up and hopefully make it home in one piece. Kirk is annoyingly persistent, Spock spends far too long analysing things, and McCoy would just like not to have to jump out of aeroplanes, please.
Link to Fic:
On LJ or
on AO3Link to Art:
HereLink to Mix: