Title: Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit
Author: Meg /
lazulisongBeta(s): Sami, Jen,
tamamiya ymfaery flamebyrd and the usual poor unsuspecting bastards on AIM.
brillingspoonsSeries: STXI
Character/Pairing(s): Jim, Bones, Spock, Uhura, Vulcan OC Dude
Rating: PG 13 because of Jim's potty mouth
Word Count: 15600ish
Warnings: (if applicable) Vulcan OC Dude (I don't think he's too obnoxious, though), Jim's Awesome Childhood
Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.
Author's Note(s): See after notes, too many spoilers. This is actually partly a story about my home city (shut up), and all the locations mentioned are real.
Summary: It really does take a village to raise a Jim.
Link to Fic:
http://lazulisong.livejournal.com/1071739.htmlLink to Art:
The awesome poster of awesomeLink to Mix:
Twirl Like a Little Girl