Fic: Why They Call It Falling

Feb 13, 2015 23:30

Title: Why They Call It Falling
Author: lah_mrh
Artist: knowmefirst
Fanmixer: ecto_gammat
Series: Reboot AU
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/Spock, Kirk/OCs, Uhura, Pike, McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Stonn, Sarek, Amanda
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~24,000
Warnings: Mention of past child abuse, past minor character death, homophobia, parental disapproval, attempted suicide
Summary: When a group of Vulcans on a cultural exchange move in downstairs, Jim's friends bet him he can't seduce one of them. The last thing Jim expects is to fall in love, but Vulcan culture is strict, and he and Spock will have to battle many trials before they can reach their happy ending. Based on the film Latter Days.

Link to Fic: Why They Call It Falling
Link to Art: Banner & Wallpaper
Link to Mix: 'Neath a Darkening Sky

series: stxi, char: spock, char: leonard mccoy, char: james kirk, char: amanda grayson, char: sarek, char: montgomery scott, genre: au, round 6: 2014, char: christopher pike, pairing: kirk/spock, char: nyota uhura, char: hikaru sulu

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