Art + Fic: Balloons

Dec 09, 2009 15:17

Title: Balloons
Artist: withthepilot
Author: starsandgraces
Movie: ST: XI
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu
Rating: G (NC-17 for the accompanying fic, 914 words)
Summary: Pavel and Hikaru go for a ride.
Notes: Inspired by the Foals song "Balloons" (specifically the lyric "We fly balloons on this fuel called love"). starsandgraces requested a related C/S drawing and I came up with something that has no regard for proportions whatsoever. Then she prettied it up with coloring and wrote a sexy little fic for it, which I beta'ed. Teamwork!

Fake cut goes to the original entry by starsandgraces:

( If I die, you don't get any of my stuff because it'll be your fault. )

art:comic, character:sulu, movie:xi, character:chekov

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