Title: Wrap Day
Rating: R for language & innuendo.
Genre: First time (slightly cracky) romance.
Length: 1,439 words.
Summary: When filming, Chris is oblivious to romance. He has said so himself.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Obviously fictional content is FICTIONAL. Please, please don't sue me. Also, don't be hatin, we just like the fuckin.
Notes: Prompted-ish by
blue_jack around Chris Pine's birthday. Yes, in August. I'M SLOW, OK. XB Oh and I stole one joke from Sports Night.
"What is this, some Kiwi Katy Perry song?" )
Title: The Visitation
Genre: Cracky first-time romancy porn.
Length: 2,790 words.
Rating: NC-17, yar.
Summary: It's not breaking & entering if it ends in porn, right?
Warnings: CRACK. Mary Sue, in a manner of speaking. Slightlyneurotic!Chris and veryheteroflexible!Karl. And did I mention CRACK? Good. So you're all aware of the CRACK.
Disclaimer: Obviously fictional content is FICTIONAL. Especially this time. So please, please don't sue me. And don't be hatin, we just like the fuckin.
Notes: Blame
elfsausage (although I'm quite sure this
isn't what she had in mind), and whoever instigated
this; oh and
sangueuk, there's a bit in here for you, too. I'm using this as the Wild Card on my
trek_crackbingo card, because hell, what a way to kick things off.
"I have called you here, my pretties." )