Title: Electric Blue - Part 4/4
medea_fic Pairing: Pinto and implied Rachel Nichols/Lindsay Lohan (what is my life).
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 6,700
Feedback: Yes please!
Summary: Chris is a superhero. Zach wants to be his sidekick. Meanwhile, a dark force is rising in Los Angeles...
Follows on from
Chapter One,
Chapter Two and
Chapter Three.
Warnings: Crack and AU. Flying!Sex. Guns - lots of guns. Threats and general villainy. Attempted choking.
Disclaimer: This is clearly, clearly untrue.
A/N: Yeah. I'm stressed, which apparently leads to crack. As ever,
emmessann did an amazing beta job on this. Thank you!
Now how about you do your damn job, sidekick?)