Title: Crash Into Me
babykid528Fandom: Star Trek Reboot RPF
Rating: PG-13... verging on R- for mostly naked boykissing
Medium: Photoshop CS
Dimensions: original 363 x 480 pixels (Don't ask... idk why I have such an odd size) + a slightly large, slightly blurry 500 x 661 pixel version
Artist's Note: My first true Pinto kiss. Well, that's not true, as some of you can attest to (you know who you are and what I mean), but it's my first digital one and I'm happy with it. :-) <333
I hope everyone enjoys, but keep in mind, this is Andie's and you can only make icons or banners if she says it's alright. Otherwise, you know the drill- no claiming, don't alter (unless you're given permission on the icons thing) and Happy Valentine's Day! ;-)
Let's just pretend they both spent the weekend getting body waxes, because LOL, they have NO body hair! Sorry about that! ;-)
Disclaimer: I don't own Chris or Zach (OMG I would NEVER be online again if I DID! *DIES*) and this drawing is a lying lie of a lie. :-P
Follow the fake cut to my journal!