Likes/Hobbies: Reading, Martial Arts, Baking, Beading, Cross-stitch, and History
Talents: I'm a good singer, and very good at baking.
Dislikes: Arrogance, people who are so entirely logical that they fail to recognize the validity of intuition/emotions, lack of flexibility to change/differences, the Yankees.
Strong points: Loyalty, tenacity, generosity.
Weak points: I get too atatched to people easily, I'm a worrywart and a perfectionist to the point that I obsess for a long time about stupid little mistakes that no one remembers
What do other people see you/describe you as?: Sweet, loyal, a bit of an oddball.
Add "why?" if at all possible.
Mature or Immature?: Mature to the point that I know and uphold my responsibilities. At the same time, life is about knowing when to be immature and just have some fun.
Leader or Follower?: Follower, but if it is necessary I will lead. I just prefer to not be responsible for so many other people--that is so many more people I have the possibility to let down or hurt if I screw up/
Outgoing or Shy?: Very shy until you get to know me, then I'm definitely more outgoing.
Confident or Modest?: I tend to be fairly modest (or rather self-depreciating) but there are certain things I know that I am good at--but the knowledge of that is enough for me I don't need to go shouting it from the rooftops.
Safe or Risky?: Safe. I don't believe in taking needless risks. If someone I care about is in danger I would definitely take huge risks to protect them, but taking risks just for a thrill is totally not me.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: It really depends on the day. I am naturally a pessimist, but I am trying really, really hard to become more of an optimist. I think that pessimism becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy (at least in my case).
Realist or Idealist?: I am very idealistic. I don't believe in absolute evil. I do believe that every human being has some good in them. As such, I do look for the best in people and in the world and believe fiercely that it exists.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: I'm fairly low-energy, but I was always a hyperactive child which I still possess a bit of (given the right situation/group.) I'm the type of person who is content to sit and read for an entire day and I'm definitely not the restless type.
Listener or Speaker?: Both. I can definitely talk your ear off if you let me, but I also love to listen to my friends stories or problems--it makes me feel good that people feel they can confide in me.
Serious or Playful?: Definitely playful. I have a very offbeat sense of humor, which I have a lot of fun with. I can be serious when I need to be but it's no fun.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I do have an impulsive streak a mile wide (I blame it on the ADD/not fully formed frontal cortex) At the same time, in certain circumstances I can be obsessively cautious. I really don't have any middle ground here but I definitely lean toward cautious more often.
So the Enterprise has been invaded by an outside force and is being threatened unless the captain surrenders the ship. (What else is new?) What would your reaction be in this situation? Would you panic? (assuming I'm on the Enterprise D or E :P) I would tell the captain to prepare to separate the saucer from the ship and keep only a skeleton crew to stay and fight. This way, if we are overtaken (which I would do everything in my power to assure that we are not) there would not be the same number of casualties. Panic would not be an option. I'm a starfleet officer damn it--we are all trained for this situation.
So now they've got you captured and are threatening you. It's either spill the beans about the secrets of the Enterprise or be killed on the spot. How long does it take for you to reach your breaking point? (Do you have one?) I wouldn't tell. No matter what my rank I have a responsibility to all the members of the crew (which only grows larger with each promotion.) I know that the captain/crew would do what they could to rescue me and even if they can't I will not damn those aboard for my single life.
And if you were on a ship of some sort, what kind of position (captain, medical officer, security guard, etc.) would you be comfortable with? Currently, I don't think I'm truly command material. At the same time, by the time I would be made captain I would have years of training under my belt. But I truly feel that I would make a good security officer. I feel that I am called to protect those around me--and I am very passionate about my martial arts training and would totally be able to kick the butts of anyone who messed with me/the ship.
Anything else?: Nope. Vote away!
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