Round 1 Challenge 3 Voting

Sep 07, 2009 00:54

The following user(s) did not submit an entry: ofthedawn_x and chemikalien. A skip has been used to take them to the next challenge.

The following user(s) opted to use a skip: misplaced_angst, jenniferjensen.

You will be voting for four icons: your least favorite (the ones you consider to be of lesser quality or technique) and your favorite (the ones you consider to best the best of the batch). There MUST BE a reason provided on all votes. Do remember that you are judging on technique, not your personal preference. Please do not submit reasons like "I hate the character" or "that is the worst color to use", these are unacceptable and you will be asked to resubmit your votes.

Voting format:
Least Favorite:
#00 - (reason)

#00 - (reason)

Please vote for your least favorite FIRST. Basic voting rules are located in the USER INFO.

Any member of the community can vote, and all comments are screened.


Voting ends Thursday, September 10, 3 PM MST.

voting, challenge 3, lims: round 1

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