Title: Chapter One: Captain Fine (follows
Prologue: Metropolis, Meet Smallville)
sabine1392Summary: Their first assignment together, a piece on pollution of the bay, goes horribly, horribly wrong, right in the worst possible place.
Rating: PG-13, for swearing
A/N: It's an AU where the Star Trek characters are actually characters in the DC Universe
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And they could work so damn hard together. Uhura's the eyes and the ears, and Gaila's the hands. OH SHIT!
And we already know Spock's Bruce Wayne. So Spock/Uhura would have an extra level of creepy added.... MENTOR/CHILD UST!
god, i'm sorry. i'm such a massive fucking nerd.
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And I was sort of mixing BB canon with normal DCU (excluding Batman RIP) shit. Because, well. Spock (being an alien) is a recluse who lives alone up in his mansion. At least, that's what we are led to believe.... *shifty eyes*
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And, just throwing this out there. I'm having some characters from ST be more than one character in the DCU verse. Like... Chekov. (because no world can have enough Chekov)
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You know what. That's it. It's in there.
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