Hi I don't know where else to ask so I'm asking here. I'm trying to find two fics i was reading but now seem to have lost.
The 1st is a de-aged fic. Spock was somehow de-aged and Kirk decides to give him the fun childhood he didn't have. This includes a lot of movie nights, in particular they watched the Princess Bride.Kirk realises Spock has a crush when Kirk asked him to do something and he replies "AS you wish" and blushes. Sorry that's all I remember from it.
The 2nd is a mpreg. Kirk was kidnapped and somehow impregnated by Romulans. Kirk is rescued and child grows up on board with Kirk and crew. He idolizes Spock and tries to hide his Romulan features. Spock and Kirk have a tentative relationship as Spock has a hard time recoiling his innate dislike of all things Romulan. The child gets kidnapped by rogue Vulcans who want to use him for experiments to help defeat the Romulans.
Both fics were WIP when I started them. THANKS to anyone who can help.