Oct 04, 2011 21:56
A brief list detailing things which are not, in fact, puppy food, puppy treats, dog food, dog treats, or any other sort of thing which should be found inside a dog's mouth and/or stomach despite what certain canines might try to convince you of:
- pillows
- Ted the stuffed lobster
- blankets
- slippers
- oven mits
- spatulas
- knives
- scissors
- cat food
- fire
- candles
- cat vomit
- my underwear
- baking sheets
- measuring cups
- my stuffed lemur
- Ivan's tail
- the broom
- the mop
- the dust pan
- mudding shovels
- paint brushes
- paint stir sticks
- tape (duct)
- tape (painting)
- tape (scotch)
- tape (tape)
- CDs
- my laptop
- my DS
- my PSP
- the garbage can
- an ... egg cup? really?
- chairs
- couch legs
- human beings
- skirts
- my new T-shirt with the heron on it
- plastic bags of any variety but especially plastic bags which have been used to contain dog poop (yours or anothers)
- doors
- the front steps
- Mormon missionaries