Elvis was briefly in the building

Nov 09, 2010 22:49

Part of the problem with pop culture, especially pop culture that has decades to simmer, is you just can't take something involving a pop culture icon before they were iconized and not view it with all that baggage.

Which is to say, tonight I saw the first movie Elvis had a part in - a post-Civil War western, Elvis was the secondary male lead, the protagonist's naive baby brother.

It would have been nice to see the movie without the shoehorning of songs that Elvis' manager insisted on, but it was rather amusing to see how FUCK IT the screenwriters must have been about making excuses for Elvis to sing. Four songs, with two per each 'number', such as it was. Certainly not an actual musical (you can't just /sing/ and call it a musical, it's a musical if the musical number advances the plot in some way or something) because it really was just Elvis' character singing for his reunited family in the evening after supper and then singing with a band during a community fundraiser. You could take a pair of scissors to the film reel, snip those bits, and the movie would proceed exactly as it was.

Still, an interesting experience, definitely worth my $10, and young Elvis really does hit sweet and kind of dumb in a manner that's more endearing than anything.

Also, swimming horses.


Unrelated, but my webhost has been down for a couple of days now. It may have just expired and not been worth it for my generous host, Ven of the Exquisite Taste in Books, to renew for another year. I haven't had the opportunity to touch base. So if for some reason you are looking for drawings or old stories or, more sensibly, pictures of really cute cats or my goofy Boster Gold action figure and are finding nothing, that would be why. Fear not, fans of the aforementioned, if logicninja is gone, I will find other ways to show you pictures of Hero.


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