I suspect the holiday is /actually/ my very dear friend Moo's birthday. Hence
this drawing of my favourite curly-haired ninja, Felice Fujimoto, and Moo's fabulously dressed English catburglar, Jeremy Archer.
... It was actually supposed to have been a Christmas present in 2008, but I believe we know what happened on Christmas 2008, and it kind of threw me off my game (although flipping through my sketchbook shows I /did/ do some preliminary work on layout and composition ... which this drawing bares absolutely no resemblance to).
Anatomy - terrible.
Vase - inexplicable.
Suits - adequate.
I also drew
this, in which Nagi babysits tiny devil summoners because ... I'm not sure. I think Puu and I aren't allowed to talk to each other anymore, we get silly.
This weekend has mostly been spent drawing, playing Little King's Story, feeling sick probably because I'm not really eating much, and reading Mizushiro Setona manga (X-Day and After School Nightmare). I may or may not have to post about them, particularly After School Nightmare in more detail later. Really fascinating stuff, although it's possible I've said all the really relevant things to Dice and Puu already.