... You're kidding me

Apr 01, 2009 20:37

So, last year, for my birthday, one of my gifts (a truly awesome one, for reference) was a subscription to the UK P.G. Wodehouse society, so every few months I get a great big envelope in my post box with stamps from the Royal Mail on it. Inside is a newsletter with all sorts of random bits and articles and letters and what will you (this also served to alert me to Arrow's very important reissuing of a large number of Wodehouse novels).

Today over lunch, I was flipping through the issue that had just arrived, and a bit of something caught my eye.

It was fanart.

Manga-style fanart.

Because approximately a year ago, there was an article in the newsletter about ...



Yes, I will be flipping through my backissues to see if I have the one that discusses this, because the mind boggles so that I find it difficult to believe. It's just ... guys, I /don't think that would work/.

wodehouse, ..., books

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