Why Persona 2 is superior to [insert videogame of choice here]

Nov 24, 2008 00:31

Nazi status: random enemy encounters may include a Nazi soldier who attacks by spinning around wildly shooting in all directions and mostly failing to hit anyone in your party.

Party attacks have recently revealed the existence of "bloody honeymoon" and "foamy love", complete with delightfully overdone Engrish attack shouting.

At a certain point in the probably-final-dungeon spaceship/pyramid, your party comes across, and runs headlong into, a raised circle with a swastika on it with heaps of machinery attached. Is it a trap? No! It's a teleporter.

It is, in fact, a conveniently labeled /Nazi/ teleporter (Nazis are all about the brand) that teleports everyone back to the high school, so important things like restocking on healing supplies and whatnot can occur.

And also so the game's legendary (but not particularly important) weapons can be obtained.

Entirely too much time was sunk into running around the Abandoned Factory, because to get Tatsuya's weapon, eleven notes scattered around the factory have to be read, and /then/ a bunch of demons have to be chatted up until one of them randomly drops the right information about a hidden room in the factory (so you can get a fancy sword from a dude in a motorcycle outfit ... with a giant blue number one painted on the back for some reason), and then read rumours about how the building is apparently collapsing and you can fall into yet another hidden room to eventually steal some fancy boxing gloves from some thug.

All pretty standard getting hidden secret awesome goods in an RPG.

I much prefer the 'get legendary weapons through the power of food poisoning', which is how Maya and Eikichi get /their/ legendary weapons.

Jun gets his because someone can't believe a frickin' flower is any kind of weapon.

And everyone is happy! Except for Maya and Eikichi, who were poisoned.

(And let us just pause to note for a moment that there are demons who, when faced with Lisa, Maya, and Jun in a glowing purple spotlight while seductive music plays, express an interest in trying boys for the first time.)


And for everyone else, Merlin Party will hopefully resume this week.

persona_2, videogames

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