Surveying the internet

Jul 16, 2008 19:33

This morning I was woken up around 4:30 by the sound of Ivan gnawing on my alarm clock (this is kept on the other side of the room in a futile attempt to make me actually stay awake after the alarm goes). I ignore him and try to get back to sleep, until I hear the sound of my alarm clock being knocked on the floor.

I stagger out of bed to put the clock back, and turn on the lights. Ivan promptly runs to the doorway, stares at me, and meows as only Ivan the World's Loudest Cat can.

The cats each get about a cup of food a day. 2/3 of a cup in the morning and 1/3 of a cup before I go to bed. Last night, there was still food in their dishes, so I didn't think it was necessary to top their dishes up. This was clearly a mistake, because it meant that there was no food for Ivan to eat at 4:30 in the morning, and he was not happy about this.

And, apparently, he has figured out that there is something about the alarm clock which makes me get up and feed him. My cat is eerily cunning.

Or my imagination is just very overactive first thing in the morning.

Poll Important Poll About Cats

I swear I will have stuff up about House of Many Ways at some point in the near future. But I had notepad open for ages on Monday night, trying to put together a coherent review, and got no further than "House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones". I believe I have officially spent more time thinking about what to say about the book than I actually spent reading it.

(Could it be that almost a month of blood loss on top of anemia leads to some kind of /tiredness/ and /difficulty focusing/? Madness!)

[Let us not even discuss the effect this has had on the editing. When I think of how at least one week next month is guaranteed to be eaten by a fucking wedding and have been unable to concentrate for damn near a month, I could cry.]

misadventures_of_ivan, real_life, polls

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