Let us cease discussion of this creepiness

Jun 05, 2008 21:36

Although I will note that, despite my fears, I haven't been murdered in my bed yet.

Chatting with Erika while uploading books to librarything for some reason led to the perfectly reasonable conclusion that I should take a picture of the books I bought today and on Tuesday and share it with the internet.

Here they are, in two mixed and sloping piles.

In case this fails to convey the actual size of the piles, here they are, but with Ivan.

Tir /was/ sleeping there with the books, but he got bored and left to play with Ivan. Attempts to get adorable photos of them together, to make up for a post full of pictures of books, yielded this and they showed no sign of doing anything else.

So I delved into the memory card in the camera, and found this picture of Ivan greeting my best bud.

Shit. Okay, this is adorable, right? It better fucking well be.

(I keep having the urge, post Slings and Arrows, to make a post in response to the series. Except every time I think about it, it ends up being a post about how awesome Shakespeare is, and how much I miss Stratford, and how amazing William Hutt is, and a lot of exclamations about actors who have been in every Canadian television series ever. I'm pretty sure the combination of Shakespeare and Canadian tv dorkery would make the internet's collective eyes glaze over even moreso.)

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure EarthBound just had me beat a harmless Trick-or-Treater in the head with a baseball bat.

photos, real_life, books

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