Less than twenty four hours, oh /huzzah/!

Jul 28, 2006 14:26

I trekked down to the bank today, with a jar full of coins in my bundle buggy, since carrying it by hand seemed like a very bad idea.

Eighty-eight dollars. Good lord. And that's not even counting the roll of quarters I kept for laundry and the other loose coins I kept for, you know, not wanting to make the bank teller hate me, and the twenties I put in my wallet, since I'll probably need cash in the near future for food. Or, um, the Canadian tire money that I'm sure I can find some use for if I ever go to Canadian Tire. Lord. I don't deserve what I have.

And, to rapidly change the topic, I feel like doing a bit of a meme while I sit here before work and slowly work towards the ending of Intellectual Freedom, because, well, memes can be fun?

So, it's the "Ask me my top five anything" meme. Go!

I should always take memes from people who've been drinking,
Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off

memes, real_life

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