you and i collide

Jul 04, 2005 00:44

so this was a good weekend. saturday kathryn and i went and got lunch, then I realized i wasn't really in the mood for eating but then we went to the park, then to the mall, then we came back to my house for about an hour and a half then we went to the lake with cathy too and took lots of cool pictures that i posted some on my myspace. ill post some more here later. but go look at them they are so nifty.

then we went back to cathys and looked at pictures then at about 9:30 ish went to franklinfest. it was really dumb and boring. marshall is in town and yeah hes hot so it made the trip worth it. lol then we were goign to go out but ended up falling asleep.

this morning i was told by frank that i should come to JP but thats at 7 am and im like heck no. but i found out tonite from this girl singer that i work with that frank didnt even show up until 9 am!!! she was so drunk she didnt wake up and even when she came she was still drunk! haha its crazy. Then i guess Nichols threw up while he was on stand. hahaha the people i work with are nuts.

Today at summerfest i saw my boss walk by and he has like 2 beers in his hands and im like yep thats my head guard.

So yeah today i went to summerfest again with laura to go see howie day. we went at about 7:30. the fricken park and ride lot was full so i went and parked in some random subdivision like a 1/2 mile away and having to walk down hwy 100. it was crazy. so i rode the bus there by myself. then i met up with laura when i got there.
we just walked around and talked to people pretty much. at 10 we went and watched Howie Day play. Gavin Degraw was playing at the same time. i just wanted to hear collide. Right before Howie day i saw patrick tilley and talked to him. then after howie day played collide we left then got inthe middle of a fight and got pushed out of the way.
then as we were walking we got to the mid gate fountain and i saw a guy from work named brad and he was with another guy i work with too. i found out he was taking the same park and ride i was so i was happy that i didnt have to go home by myself.
then we stood around for another 10 or 15 minutes. then shunk (another guy i work with) same over talked to him for like 3 minutes then we left. then we got on a bus right away which was lucky, and we didnt have to stand. so we just talked the whole ride home then he gave me a ride to my car, cause im dumb and parked far away. and now here i am. i gotta work at 9:18 tomorrwo morning, and im praying for thunderstorms.

WOO TAI tomorrow! im so excited!
then maybe after TAI we will go watch Ben Folds, i dont really want to see Story of the year. hmm who knows.
bye loves!
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